"I cannot express how great this is coming out," Lynch said. "I didn’t want to dilute Angel: After the Fall or the previous Urru/Lynch Spike tales, so we didn’t plan this until we saw whether or not it would work. It worked. It works soooo well. This is gonna be goooood. All the hell! None of the Angels!"
There's a lot of ooooooo's there. Bryan Lynch's enthusiasm scares me a tad, not to mention the criticism he's sure to get but may not be able to handle. He seems a bit unstable about fan reaction and I'm worried for him. Although those Spuffy fans sure do salivate over Spoike having his own "show", so maybe all will be dandy. Read the full article ahead:
Also, what's up with whedon.info? It looks a lot nicer but I hope they're working on that pesky navigation issue.
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