Monday, February 2, 2009

Dollhouse and Sarah Connor Chronicles have Badass Babes....or something

I've been trying to limit my Dollhouse knowledge. I think by now everyone around me knows how I feel. This promo is kinda cute, kinda cool, kinda anti-Whedonfeminism (which would honestly never bother me all that much). But the biggest question I've been having whenever I get a glimpse of a DH tv ad is: WHY WITH THE MATRIX-STYLE SLOW MO BLASTING BULLET EFFECT? REALLY? LET'S PARTY LIKE IT'S 1999 WHY DON'T WE?? WTF?


  1. yeah.. I'm kinda like, WTF too.. was this ad written for Spike Tv? or does it come on after the Girls on Wild commerical?

  2. I know right? What in the world is going on? It must be because Dollhouse is so doomed, that they will do just about anything at this point for a few more viewers. I'm scared!

  3. it's a good thing I know what DH is and who's running it and that I'm already a T:TSCC fan because if I all I knew was this commercial? No way I'd watch either of them. Cheap and ludicrous. Bah.
