Friday, May 1, 2009

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Has Been Saved by E!

If Only E! had some pull over at Fox then maybe this would matter more. Still, it's great to see Terminator get the response it deserves by winning 53% of the vote. Chuck came in 2nd with 25% and, surprisingly, Dollhouse didn't fare so well with only 10% of the vote.

Make sure you read the interview with the show's producer Josh Friedman. He hasn't heard anything from Fox yet, but he still hasn't given up hope: "They're all people, too, and they hear what goes on [with stuff like Save One Show]. I don't think it's a futile effort at all for people to continue to fight for the show."

Read the full article here:


  1. Not that it matters much - it never really does - but you probably meant to say that Dollhouse did not 'fare' so well in the contest, unless you're intending to imply that the contest was rigged, and verb-ing 'fair'.

  2. I have to admit even tho I love Joss I really had no interest in watching Dollhouse so I can't say if it deserves to get renewed or not. I used to watch Terminator: SCC but I lost interest after season one. As for Chuck I LOVE that show! It makes my Monday!

  3. The first 5 eps of Dollhouse where not that good, but the rest have been excellent and last nights was so good, I have watched it again on Fox.

  4. Penny,

    You should really try to watch Season 2 of Terminator. The season final is worth the wait in my opinion.
