Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson "Spuffed Enough"

Matter of fact, some might say he "Spuffed" too much. Either way, here is Bitsy and Ivan doing an unplugged version of their MJ sampled hit, as tribute to the gloved one.


  1. I think this is the best MJ tribute yet.

  2. Thanks, Steph! He was a Spuffy-heee-ee-ee!

  3. Was Buffy a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Anarchist, Libertarian, Minarchist, or just apolitical? How about Willow and Xander? Anya? Giles? Willow's Tara? Oz? Michael Jackson? I know we all have our own passionate prejudices concerning where Buff, the Scoobs, and everyone else's political principles lie, and these facts were storyline blurred for good reason, I'm sure. But dadgummit, I sure would like to know. Perhaps the Buffyfest crew has the inside track on this.....
