Saturday, September 5, 2009

What's the Sitch? The *other* Whedonverse News of the Week

Two time Cap'n Nathan Fillion will be making an appearance at the Apple Store in Soho, NYC on September 18th. Me thinks he might also pop by Joss's Dr. Horrible event the following Monday because, why not?

Marc Blucas has been cast in the film Witchita alongside A-listers Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz; Grows "crustache".

Angel's Elizabeth Rohm will be making a guest appearance on the upcoming season of never-getting-better Heroes. She will also be on the season premier of 90210, which mean she'll probably be somewhere inside of Sunnydale High - a.k.a Torrance High School, where both 90210 and Buffy were filmed. Full circle, baby.

Angel wins the honor of "Sexiest vampire" by beating who Michelle calls "Twilight guy. " Hee! So innocent. Better than "RPatz", though.

TV Squad does Whedon's Top Ten Big Bads and gets extra points for #5 on the list. Good stuff. is doing 40% off all in-stock Whedon comics from June '09 & earlier this weekend! You can also pre-order on Super Scott Allie's Exurbia over there. Look out for our exclusive interview with Scott about Exurbia this coming week.

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