Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Coveting: Hallowhedon 3

The Hallowhedon conventions in the UK always seem so tempting! First of all the event has an ultra kick-ass name (and original too...zing!) The guests are usually juicy ones and it's extra fancy being across the pond and all. This year, some fan favorites are attending: Charisma Carpenter & Amber Benson not to mention "Most Hated Character" winner Adam Busch; with further guests to be added. I vote for Julie Benz since she's besties with Charisma.

This year's convention will be held from Friday 28th - Sunday 30th, October 2011 at the The Radison Edwardian Hotel. The activities range from the usual guest talks and photograph sessions to quizzes and late night parties - including an extra special Halloween Ball on the Saturday night! Gotta love a Halloween Ball.

So if you're over on the flip side (or a 'Merican with deep pockets and a love of the Queen) go check it out. It's pretty reasonable too as far as cons go. For £78 you get admission to all 3 days and a whole bunch of stuff like an exclusive convention souvenir program, access to all the panels, 1 free autograph from each guest, access to the 2 themed parties. Good stuff.

Have you attended a past Hallowhedon event?


  1. I attended the first one and it was amazing. Unfortunatly I got sick, so I missed the parties :(. But I'm going again this year! Can't wait :D.

  2. I am SO going to this. It'll be my first convention, actually that's a lie, I'll be going to Comic-Con in Manchester in July this year. But Yay!!

  3. Defiantly going! Ticket booked, been to the two previous events as well. :)

    Looking forward to meeting Amber the most so far.
