Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Madness! The Final Four of the Whedonverse Character Tourney

Welcome back to the "March Madness" tourney - best of the Whedonverse! We're down to the Final and Fabulous Four characters of the entire 'verse (Buffy, Angel, Firefly and Dr. Horrible) as voted by the people. Even if you never voted before, please feel free to still vote for your faves now.

Something weird happened in the Elite Eight, the balance shifted after a couple of days. Spike was neck-in-neck with Mal the entire time, but Spike fans must've rallied at the last minute because he won in the end - big time. The Browncoats lost this war! In other news, Willow and Buffy are still standing and Angel and Giles were at a tie with Giles winning at the last second! I never expected that and really can't believe all the Giles votes...but he is a sexy Brit, so there you go. For the record, all of the characters left standing are from Buffy. See below for the full list of winners:

Winner of the Sunnydale Region: Spike 112 to Mal 49 ,
Winner of the Serenity Region: Willow 117 to Xander 44,
Winner of the LA Region: Giles 82 to Angel 79 ,
Winner of the UK Region: Buffy 116 to Wes 45

And here is your Final Four showdown of the Whedonverse! This is ending in 2 days (a bit shorter this time) - Wednesday, April 1st at 11:59 pm EST. Like always, if you want to play along, please leave your choices in the comments section of this post!

The East:
Witch vs. Vamp (Willow vs. Spike)

The West:
Watcher vs. Slayer (Giles vs. Buffy)

If your curious to see the bracket showing all past winners so far, click here to enlarge:


  1. Willow

    (I mean, I love Buffy and all, but... I love the power behind the throne more.)

  2. WILLOW!!!
    Giles. (that was so difficult)

  3. Willow


    (Apparently my computer has forgotten I have a Google account, so I'm going to have to retrieve my password...)

  4. Re: Nitpicker, you mean to log in here? You don't have to...you can just put your name in the Name/URL section below the comment window.

    Ok, My choices:

    Willow - They both have their amazing and they both have their suck. I'm going to go with Red. In the end, I think she deserves it.

    Buffy - She never gets a break.

  5. Funny, I thought this would be harder, but I guess the choises were pretty obvious from last round, besides the Giles which I'm happy about. Anyways, here comes.

    Willow - As nice as the blondie is, for me it's Willow all the way, minus the addiction of S6.

    Buffy - Close third after Willow and Spike, but she's the protagonist after all! Unlike mostly brooding Angel she had all the emotions, and although she may not have been her best at all times, you always ended up rooting for her.

  6. Oh, spite. Oh, hell.

    Willow - She's got what it takes to bring the Big Bad down with her own Big Badness.

    Buffy - I have to put the ball in Buffy's court for once if for no other reason than to have her say...

    "Are we really gonna do this?"

  7. Wow! This got super tough! Whatever I answer I'll feel bad lol!


    {aaaaah, hiding under my bed now!)

  8. Spike

    go brits

  9. spike

    (disappointed that mal didn't make it)

  10. This is hard.

    Thing is, I don't like Spike, but he was fascinating to watch. His character probably evoked more emotion in me overall. I liked Willow, but I never "loved" her. So, as much as it pains me to do this, I'm gonna go with Spike...

    This is even harder!! I was sure it would be Buf vs Angel. I love both of these characters and I love how there dynamic changed over the series and I continue to love them into season 8. But, as she is my hero, I'm gonna go with Buffy.


  11. Harder and harder



    (finally Giles had his revenge on Angel)

  12. Spike

    Giles.... (You Go Giles)

  13. Spike.

    Buffy. Mostly because I'm pissed Giles beat Angel. I mean, I love Buffy, but Angel should be here. NOT GILES.

  14. Spike {you go Spike}

    Giles {you to Giles}

  15. Spike

    I'm a girl, and those two just make me feel so girly ))

  16. Willow

    For once it was not so tough.

  17. Spike (lurve that wee Vamp!) *g*

    And Giles. (My fav Librarian)

  18. I love them all, and I love Faith's comment above. Ice-cream-on-nose Willow was so incredibly endearing (and Doppelgangland was a blast) and I cried every time Buffy died. Gotta go with my heart here, though.



  19. Spike

    Love them separately, love them together.

  20. I can't believe Giles beat Angel.
    I so wanted it to be Angelus vs. Buffy.
    Well my choice for the upcoming final is:


  21. Spike (of course)
    Giles (why not)

  22. Spike


    Don't even have to think about it.

  23. Only blue eyes this time

    Spike & Giles

  24. Spike

    Strange because I didn't vote for either of them in the last round. But there you go. I was looking forward to a Mal vs. Angel showdown in the finals.

  25. Very difficult choice, but I've gone with the 'lefties.'



  26. This one is easier than the last round.

    The East:

    The West:

    (sorry Giles, but I voted for you over Angel, so you really can't complain)

  27. FYI: If I'm counting right, the score is now 45-20 for Spike-Willow (Go Spike!) and 30-35 for Buffy-Giles (How surprising! Don't give up Buffster!)

  28. That score was taken after wyndams vote. So as of Luthiens vote the score is 47-21 Spike-Willow and 31-37 for Buffy-Giles.

  29. Spike.
    My one true television love.

    She's the one.

  30. Spike


    I'm so suprised that Angel was voted out

  31. Willow (love spike, but loved Willow first lol)


  32. Is it sad to say that I just spent about 15 minutes debating this?


  33. I voted before, but I don't think it worked.

    Willow Rosenburg

    Buffy Anne Summers

  34. wow I cant believe that Angel didn't make it.

    Willow and Buffy

  35. Meh, tough choice but


    If they'll make it to the finals, will be another smashed ending

  36. Wow. OK, let me think.

    Spike - this is easy, he will win for me no matter who he's against, cause Spike was easily the most compelling character on BtVS, to me

    Giles - this was very hard, cause Giles was my 2nd fave person on the show, but I kept thinking that Buffy should make it to the end *sigh*

  37. Hot boys, come to MaMa

    Spike and Giles

  38. Spike. Indubitably.

    And Giles.

  39. I concur, marveldenton...something is afoot!

  40. Well, I like blonds, so it will be

    Spike and Buffy

  41. Willow

    and may I just say, since I know I'll get in trouble regardless at this point, that I find it kind of suspect that so many people are voting for Spike AND Giles. I mean, you guys are Spike fans, right? Do you really expect me to believe you love Giles more than Buffy when Giles tried to kill Spike and Buffy has been the one who has consistently supported Spike? I mean, really? It's kind of suspect, kids. I think you know that Buffy is the only one who has a shot of beating Spike in the final round so you're going out of your way to get rid of her now.


  42. East:


  43. Hmmm, ok, there is double voting happening here. I can see it on Google Analytics so it's clear to me there is cheating going on. It's not ok. This tournament has been full of fun and I never saw anything like this happening all month until now. I'm not sure how the final result will be skewed, but the fact that it's skewed at all is really not cool.

  44. bitsy there's
    nothing suspect about a Spike fan loving both characters. I've always preferred these two in this verse, but then I'm a slasher so I don't know If that has anything to do with it. *g*

  45. I never said it was everyone, anon but given these facts:

    a) that the number of people who voted for Spike AND Giles overwhelms any other vote pairing

    b) that I can see with my own two eyes through google analytics that people are voting more than once

    c) that we're getting traffic now from lots of Spike related sites

    It's not unthinkable for me to postulate the theory that things have gotten shady and, specifically, that this particular vote pairing is the shadiest of them all.

  46. Well I can't verify whether people are double voting or not, but as to Spikes popularity, well that isn't a surprise to me at all.

    Also anyone can vote on here, can they not. so long as they don't 'cheat'?

  47. Willow

    I mean, come on...

  48. Re: Bits and Anon
    There is no way of knowing who is voting for what and it's pure speculation as to how the tourney is being skewed. The stats are just very different from before and it seems that there is double voting, is all.

    And yes, anyone can vote anon! Vote away :)

    But please everyone, 1 vote per user please. We're trying to keep this fair. The final round can get crazy if the double voting thing continues. That's why I didn't want to do a straight up poll, you know how that can be.

  49. Surely if you can see when people have voted twice you can just discount their second vote?

    p.s. How lame is it to vote twice? I really can't understand why someone would

  50. Re: Anon - Well, no I can't see who said what, just that the ratio to unique visitors clicking in here is way less. I wouldn't do it anyway, though. We'd like to keep this thing clean, for our own integrity. If I wanted to skew it myself, I'd prolly have done it back in the round where Xander beat Lilah. Hee!

    I agree, it is all a bit odd, though.

  51. I don't feel the need to be so even keel about this whole affair, although thanks, tee, for being the good one.

    I just know the cult of spike© a little too well. No self respecting fan of any other character would resort to this kind of chicanery. And when I say "cult of spike©" please understand I do not mean "all fans of spike". I refer only to those who insist that he is by far the best and that Spuffy is the greatest ship of them all and anyone who disagrees is a "Spike hater" and "out to destroy Spike" and "boo hoo why are you so mean to my poor blondie bear". That grates on my nerves more than you will ever know.

    Spike is great but many of his obsessive followers are the pits. Just like Jesus!

  52. willow
    giles was always better than buffy. no question.
    and i just love redheads, so go willow

  53. east: spike

    west: buffy

  54. Spike. I like Red a lot, but..... c'mon, it's Spike!

    Buffy. Surprised that Giles beat Angel. And he seems to be getting a lot of votes even against B. But still Buffster for me.

  55. East: Spike

    West: Buffy

    Woohoo! I voted for my favorite pairing. If Spike hadn't been an option I would of most likely voted for that other English man Giles.

  56. Willow (this is painful)

  57. "Spike is great but many of his obsessive followers are the pits. Just like Jesus!"

    How weird....:0

  58. Spike - he is the vamp who learned better.

  59. Would someone please tell me how Jesus got involved in this??? Not cool.
    Just maybe you are getting more votes because it is getting down to the end and more people are talking about it on different blogs. I know I have been telling everyone to come vote, this has been fun and just because maybe your favorite is not still in the running it no need to bad mouth the results.

  60. Actually, Jesus came into this relatively easily, elaine. You see, like Spike, Jesus is interesting and someone I actually kind of like a lot but, unfortunately for me, a grand number of the people who turned him into a religion seem to think that me and people like me are unequivocally bad news and thoroughly wrongsville just because we don't see things eye to eye. The parallel couldn't be clearer.

    And since I have significant enough evidence to suggest that people are not playing fair, I'm going to go ahead and say as much. Angel only barely lost to Giles and now Buffy is getting pummeled by him? Sorry, elaine, but between that and the analytics something is most definitely rotten in denmark and i'm making no qualms about saying just that.

    And to be clear: I have nothing bad to say about you, elaine, since, despite our vastly differing opinions, you have been voting since the beginning and the shady behavior only just began. I hope you can respect that I wouldn't say what I am if I didn't have very good reason to do so. Again: I like Spike. I'm totally fine with him winning but, when there's cheating to guarantee his victory, I get ornery. I just want the playing field to be level.

  61. -Willow
    -I feel like it's almost sacrilegious to not pick Buffy. So, Buffy.

    Next one will be interesting.

  62. oh sheesh...what in the shire is going on in here?

    Elaine, don't mind it, this is Bitsy's way. The skeptic voice on this blog, if you will. The bottom line is: it's not that there's more traffic. The suspicious thing is there is an uneven amount of unique visitors on this particular page to clicks. In other words, many of the same people have visited back to this same comment box many times. And yet, I'm not seeing many double names in the comments besides you, me , Bits, etc. It's all anon, anon. So something is strange. Whether they are trying to fix it for Giles, Spike, Buffy, or Willow to win it remains to be seen. It's a silly thing, though.

    Please, everyone, carry on. No need to muck this thing up now. Don't let a few people's pettiness ruin the fun. We still have the final round and I'm excited/scared/nervous to see who wins!

  63. Willow and Buffy. That's the way it has to be.

  64. Willow (she's my girl!)

    Giles (This was really hard because I said it before without Buffy we wouldn't have the other characters, but Giles... he is the coolest)

  65. This one's difficult...


  66. hmmm . . .



  67. spike of course!!!
    and giles (sorry B, I love you and all but giles is giles)

  68. I vote for Spike and Buffy.

  69. what kind of question is that??
    of course that the two brits!!!
    -spike (hell yeah!!)
    -Giles (I love buff and all, but I love giles much more n_n)

  70. spike and giles!!!
    obviously my two favorites brits!!
    bloody damn right!!! they rules!!

  71. Spike

    What a team!

  72. Spuffy inclinations aside, I would still vote for...

    -Spike (I am a huge fan of his and he is my favorite, but I am so not part of his cult. I see the merits of other characters.)
    -Buffy (The first female character I felt I could truly admire and respect)

  73. Willow

    Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Barely had to think about it! :D

  74. I vote for:

    Willow and Buffy - B.F.F.

    I must say that I can't believe Angel lost. It seems kinda suspect to me. Guess there's a lot of that going around.

  75. Spike


    it was mentioned in a forum, so maybe that's why there's a sudden surge in voters.

  76. Spike

    Giles (voting for Giles because he really truly is my second favorite character. He was my favorite character on the show until S5 when Spike finally bumped him out of the #1 spot. Therefore, I'm not simply voting for him because I want a Spike/Giles final.)

  77. I voted once in this round and the last. I wasn't aware of this before that. I have clicked back to read the comments because I thought it was fun. It isn't anymore.

  78. Xane,
    I agree, we need to bring the fun back! Only one more round after this!

  79. Can't jump to conclusions about double-voting in all cases, although I understand your concern. Me and my guy vote using the same computer.

    As for the "issue" of Spike+Giles, well, that seems to reflect your personal preference. (I didn't vote for that pair.) Looks like a lot of females voting here, so I don't find that pair unexpected.

    Giles offered unconditional love and support. He chose his path despite the hardships. Buffy didn't really have a choice.

  80. Spike

    I had to go with Spike because Spike's soul was way less annoying than Willow's "magic addiction".

  81. East:


    but Buffy vs. Willow would have been cool and Spike vs. Giles would also be cool!

  82. Willow

    Duh. These results got a lot shittier after the big 'influx'

  83. My vote goes to...

    Willow & Buffy

  84. Spike & Giles

    Just have to say that I've visited this site a few times to check how the voting is going, BUT, I've only voted once. I would wager a lot of other people are doing the same, nothing underhand, just a lot of interest and good publicity for the contest.

  85. I had to skip reading all the comments after like 20, seeing all those Spike and Giles votes were painful. Very painful.

    Willow and Buffy.

    Both are far more deserving, especially Buffy.

  86. Spike

    (I wish I could vote both Buffy AND Giles into the final round, though...)

  87. this is the hell dimension of choices!

    -Giles (mostly because I don't want to have to choose between Spike and Buffy... I'm a chicken. Although Giles is a duplicitous bastard at times.)

  88. Well, I would have voted for Spike and Giles, but apparently it's impossible for someone who likes one snarky British guy who gets all the best lines, to like another snarky British guy who gets all the best lines, and voting for both would make me a cheating cultist, so just disregard this.

  89. Willow

    I'm actually pretty happy with my votes--I thought that it would be harder to choose than it actually was. Yay for the witch/goddess and the slayer!

  90. Wow, I'm detecting a lot of paranoia on here.

    For a start you do realise that this 'poll' has been pimped on places such as the Dark Horse comic site? Thats going to drag in more traffic for a start.

    Also If I'm reading this right, you're not checking IP's of those who voted, but of those who VISIT the page. So because people have gone back to read more comments and see who's winning, OMG, it's suddenly the Cult Of Spike cheating!, which imo is plain ridiculous.

    I for example have been back here several times to read more comments and last time I checked that sort of behavior doesn't equate to cheating in anyones book. :0

    So chill out folks. *g*

  91. Willow Rosenberg
    Buffy Summers

  92. Spike and Buffy. :)

  93. Spike (that was easy!!!)


    Buffy (I don't like her very much, but she deserves to go to the final round)

  94. Spike!



    (Sorry G-man. She /is/ the slayer.)

  95. Oh, hell.

    Spike (Wish it were Mal, though)



    And as I've been thinking about it, the more I wish Seasons 6 and 7 just hadn't happened (ok, not REALLY really, because at the end of the day the more Buffy the better...), because in their course my favorite characters (Buffy, Giles, Willow) became all so unlikeable, insufferable, and boringly one-note (which was coincidentally a note completely out of their previous character). It makes me sad. Sigh.

  96. oh no Gachnar! "whose a little fear demon? Come on, who's little Fear Demon?"

    No seriously, don't let one person's comment ruin you're tourney fun! If I had a penny....

  97. If it's not too late, I'd like to go on the record as one more person who genuinely likes


    the best out of the whole cast of characters.

    Theda Bara

  98. Oh, no, please...it's so sad if people are cheating and is't also sad if it looks like spike's fan (and I'm most certainly one..) are cheaters (not true :-(!maybe someone is, but I'm sure most aren't..).. Can't the admins block/delete double votes, given that they can see it grom google analytics? I mean, it's fun till it's fair, I gave my one vote to my favourite characters and I'd really like to see them winning, but not with cheating..

  99. Willow

    I hope this is the match up though it'll be a tough choice between the best friends who've been through so much.
