Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pitch your Own Dollhouse Episode

It's a slow news day, Buffyfesters so I'm whipping out a question I asked on twitter: If you had one chance to write a Dollhouse episode, what would your episode be about. Bonus points if you can do it in 140 characters. My idea was: The dolls are imprinted with the personalities of characters from an unfinished story to help the author figure out his ending. What's yours?


INeurotic said...

I would imprint ALL of the actives and handlers with the members of the Jonestown cult. You know how that one ended! Then I would write a story about a young John Connor and have it be chronicled by his mother. It can be called the Chronicles of John Connor as seen by his mother, Sara.
The road is making me nuts.


I would imprint every Doll in LA to spontaneously burst into song and dance (and believe such actions to be perfectly normal)....And there's your musical episode.

Skytteflickan88 said...

That is a wonderful idea Bitsy. Can't come up with anything good myself, but it would probably include a stripper, a psyhic medium and a pot of gold.

Just me, Mercury. said...

I'd have a whole cast of them hired out by some rich kid's parent, imprinted with the personalities of the kid's favorite TV characters, 'cause the kid wants an 'adventure' with his/her heroes. And they end up trying to figure out what in the world is going on, because of course they're the sort of characters these things happen to.