- Xander is truly one of the worst characters on television EVER
- Cordelia is so underrated and is probably one of Buffy’s truest friends
- “I Robot, You Jane” is so ridiculous, but also prescient
- I completely forgot “Inca Mummy Girl” existed and it’s a bit cringe
- Spike and Drusilla’s entrance into the Buffyverse might be one of the best introductions of character ever on the show
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Buffy Rewatch: Prepping for the (*please let it happen*) Reboot
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Buffy Returns. Maybe. Should Buffyfest Return? Also Maybe.
Back in 2018, Joss Whedon, along with Monica Owusu-Breen, was doing the thing we all dreamed of: bringing back Buffy the Vampire Slayer. At the time my feelings were mixed at best. Specifically, I had doubts about Joss Whedon being in charge.
By the late 2010's, stories had long been circulating about Whedon's alleged inappropriate behavior towards women on set. By 2022, four years after the initial Buffy reboot announcement, a Vulture expose on Whedon's behavior removed all doubt. Women came forward. Stories of Whedon's questionable-at-best behavior were brought to light. And after decades of him getting away with it, Joss Whedon's career fizzled. The man hasn't had a credit since The Nevers in 2021.
No Joss Whedon, no Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A questionable idea staked kind of right on time.
But that was then, this is now. And for the second time in a decade, Buffy The Vampire Slayer is coming back. Maybe. More importantly, for the first time ever the reason for the reboot isn't comic books, audio dramas, or disgraced showrunners -- it's Buffy herself. Sarah Michelle Gellar, despite whatever complicated feelings she's had about Buffy, both the show and her connection with the legacy of the character, is the one leading the charge this time.
No Joss Whedon, yes Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A good idea long passed due.
In addition to Gellar, the new Hulu (as of now) pilot will also involve Oscar-winner Chloé Zhao in the director's chair and feature writers Nora and Lilla Zuckerman handling scripting. If you've seen the Natasha Lyonne series Poker Face, you know Nora and Lilla Zuckerman are a good fit for a 2020's Buffy.
But this is dime store stuff. You can get these facts anywhere. As Angel said in his show's 100th episode: they sell that crap at the airport. The real questions aren't about cast members returning, it's not about debates over who Buffy's truest true is, and it's certainly not over what's "canon".
No, the real question is: will Buffyfest return? Will the original three members who made Buffyfest one of the most read Buffy fansites (there weren't that many) of the mid 2000s reunite once more?
I dunno. Maybe!
The state of entertainment journalism has changed a lot over the years. Buffyfest wasn't birthed because any of us thought this was a career path. It was something we did for fun and to stay in touch. It connected us with other fans.
In the intervening years, there was money to be made covering nerdy news. I did it successfully for over a decade. But, and you'll forgive the crotchety of the following: entertainment news is kind of a grift these days. It's a lot of rumor mongering, ad copy, and SEO slop crafted unlovingly by A.I.
In other words, the only real reason to do it these days is for the love of the game. Over two decades ago, we loved Buffy and one another enough to make Buffyfest the first time. The question I find myself asking is: if Buffy the Vampire Slayer really does return, should we get the band back together?
I'm just one of three, so I can't tell you what happens next. I don't even know if this reboot will actually take. Lord knows the last attempt didn't. The state of streaming is a mess so who knows how Hulu will be doing in the next couple years.
When asked about the odds on this whole thing going down, Spike himself, James Marsters, had the good sense to say "I don't know and I'm not going to talk about it until there's something to say". That's not superstitious actor talk -- it's just good sense. Sarah Michelle Gellar showing interest is a big deal, but it's not a guarantee.
That being said, am I tentatively putting my hand in and seeing what happens? Yeah. I am.
If Sarah Michelle Gellar can say yes after all this time, why not Buffyfest, too? Because I lied: of course I want to talk about the canon and the shipping and oh god they're going to have to say Xander died offscreen, right? It's just that it would be a lot more fun to do it like we used to: together.
Saturday, September 16, 2023
They're Back! Kinda.
***Drumroll please***
It looks like the Buffyverse is making a comeback in an unexpected way and we're here for it!
After hearing the devastating news that the new iteration of the slayer for TV had been placed "on pause" after Joss was outed as a creepo by more than one cast member, we thought all hope was lost. Who knew that over 20 years after the Buffy finale, Audible was the champion we needed to finally revive the 'verse with SLAYERS: A Buffyverse Story? Looks like we'll also be getting some of our faves back, too: James Marsters, Charisma Carpenter, Anthony Head, Juliet Landau, Emma Caulfield Ford, James Charles Leary, and Danny Strong are set to voice their original characters. And Amber Benson and Christopher Golden as writers!
Check out Audible's press release here.
Is it too much to ask the universe for SMG and Boreanaz to make a cameo? All of us at Buffyfest are praying hard to the Powers that Be. 🙏
The Audible series will premiere on Oct. 12. Yay!
‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Universe Audio Series Set With Original Cast Members Returning |
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Have We TALKED About This??
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
'The Nevers' Mid-Season Finale SLAPPED [spoilers]
Monday, April 12, 2021
Did You Watch 'The Nevers'?
(Well, if you're going to pay homage to your own work, why not use the above masterpiece as inspiration.)
Said chase scene in The Nevers also features a clearer introduction of some important characters. First we have protagonist Amalia True - a very Buffy/Cordy combo in that she's a superstrong superfighter with a superpower of Prophetic Short-term Visions sprinkled on top. Amalia was the near-suicide shown at the top of the hour and is also a widow. Apparently, she likes the drink, as well.
The Joss Whedon energy was definitely big here, and even harder to miss in the end-credits. He’s credited as Director, Writer, Producer, and Creator. Four big smacks, right in a row. And I'm really sad. Sad that his fall-from-grace is not going to allow the viewer to see his vision unfold on HBO, perhaps over many seasons. But also sad that he has put us in this position. That's all I've got.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Ship Your Ornaments! Today's the Deadline!
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email us at buffyfest[at]aim[dot]com
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Swap Lists Have Gone Out!

Now it's time to get crafting on those ornaments and remember to ship out by Dec 8th. That's just about 3 weeks away! We do recommend shipping even earlier if you're outside of the US or are in an international group, so that everyone gets their festive packages in time for the holidays.
If you need a little inspiration, check out the fantastic history of this swap here. Make sure to post photos in that group as well!
If you still have questions, feel free to email us at buffyfest@aim.com.
Thank you to all the participants. Happy swapping!
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Final Weekend to Sign Up for the Whendoverse Ornament Swap!

Please make sure to read full details here and if you're down, send an email with the subject "MERRY WHEDON" with the following information to buffyfest@aim.com:
- name
- mailing address
- whether your are willing to ship internationally (note: All of North America will be combined this year).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
IT'S BACK! The Annual Whedonverse Ornament Swap!

We looove this event and every year we are reminded of the wonderful creativity of this fandom. Check out the several hundred photos of coolness from years past: http://www.flickr.com/groups/buffyfestholidayswap/
If you'd like to join us, sign-ups begin right now and will end next Monday, November 16th at 11:59 PM U.S. EST. And pretty please make super sure you're willing to go through with this entire process before signing up! Deadbeats ruin the holiday fun for everyone. Here are the guidelines in 6 easy steps:
1. Sign up by sending an email with the subject "MERRY WHEDON" and the following information to buffyfest@aim.com by Sunday, November 17th at 11:59 PM U.S. EST
- name
- address
- whether your are willing to ship overseas* (US and Canada will be mixed together)
2. On November 18th you'll receive an email from us containing the addresses and email addresses of 4-6 swap participants for you to send your ornaments to.
3. Create the multiple Whedon themed ornaments! You'll have 3 weeks to make them.
4. Package your ornaments well (especially if you create something fragile) and send one ornament to each person on the list of swap participants in your group by Monday, December 9th.
5. Sit back and relax as you wait to receive 4-6 lovely Whedonverse ornaments in the mail!
6. Then don't forget to share photos of the ornaments you make and receive by uploading to the swap flickr group here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/buffyfestholidayswap. (You will need a flickr account to upload photos, which is easy to set up.)
*Fine Print*
Since you'll have each other's personal info, please contact each other with any questions, disputes or praise.
A note on international shipping: Please only select international shipping if you are willing to ship at least 2-3 of your ornaments overseas. Take timing and the cost of shipping into account when you design your ornament. Lighter and more compact ornaments are cheaper to ship.
Any questions? Email us at buffyfest@aim.com
Sunday, October 6, 2019
A Slayer By Any Other Name
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is getting a reboot: complicated feelings... ACTIVATE!
Creepy uncle that loves telling stories about abused girls who kickypunch their way to empowerment, Joss Whedon, is set to executive produce a new series for the character who helped make him a nerdy household name back in the decade of crop tops and rapey presidents. Wow, things sure have changed! Yes, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is coming back to television but this time as a black woman because... intersectional feminism?
Look, maybe it's just that I'm having an allergic reaction to all the dust I kicked up after using this website for the first time in over five years, but I'm not sure I feel so great about more Buffy from ol' Josh. And knowing that Monica Owusu-Breen, a black woman herself, will serve as head writer and showrunner doesn't tamp down my uncertainty as much as I wish it would.
Because I should be excited, right? More Buffy was one of the things I wanted most over a decade ago when Tara, Michelle, and I started this fansite which is dedicated to Buffy. A shared love for this character and this show, cliche as it is, is the genesis for the friendships that helped me survive through some of the most tumultuous times in my life. And Buffyfest itself is the website where I learned that the trick to writing is to just do it, that the key to building relationships with creatives is to just ask, and that you can actually make a living off of shitposting on the internet. Buffy and the 'fest she inspired are the building blocks of my personal and professional life.
So why aren't I happy?
At first I thought maybe it was because I, selfishly, always hoped that the inevitable return to the world of Buffy would finally usher in a story about a transgender slayer. The idea that a young trans girl could find affirmation of her womanness through the simultaneous exhilaration and horror that is being the slayer is something I've dreamed of for actual decades now. A trans slayer is a dream I've shared with a lot of other non-cisgender folks over the years -- even Tara herself, Amber Benson, told me at a New York Comic Con several years ago that she thought the new slayer *had* to be trans.
But I think even if I did get that wish, I'd still be hesitant. Part of that, sadly, is because Whedon is involved, a feeling that would blow 2008 me's mind. Joss's ability to write through a feminist lens has been called into question repeatedly in the last decade. Whedon has rightfully lost the faith of fans for a myriad of reasons, whether it's fridging Felicia Day's character to enable the villanous rise of someone like Doctor Horrible, the repeated use of violence on women's bodies as an avenue towards expressing the power of womanhood, or the allegations that he was having sex with multiple young actresses in a way that suggests dubious consent. Things like that give me pause when I hear that Joss will be even remotely involved in crafting a new Buffy story.
There's something else about this Buffy reboot that rings hollow, too. While, yes, Breen will serve as showrunner, Buffy is not her creation. And yet both before and after the original Buffy film in 1992, there have been stories of vampire hunters written by women of color, a fact pointed out by many culture critics.
I'd ask, "Why not a TV series based off of something like Minion," but I already know the answer. I knew it before, while attending the Nerds of Color Pool Party on Saturday night at 2018's San Diego Comic Con, writer, Valerie Complex, referred to the Buffy reboot as a "cash grab." Valerie talked with me about the obviousness that people like Whedon want to appeal to (and make money off of) black women, but they clearly don't know how to do that.Instead of a black Buffy how about you just so a story of another black slayer? Even better how about we just let black creators make their own things. L.A Banks has a whole ass vampire huntress series, Joss did not invent vampire hunters. pic.twitter.com/ZAv593IoeM— Princess “Bisexual Vampire” Weekes (@melinapendulum) July 21, 2018
I've been having a lot of conversations like this lately, even more than usual. That same day, I was sitting down with Orlando Jones and we wound up talking a lot about his friend and frequent collaborator, Bryan Fuller. Jones pointed out how Fuller for all his success, is still the showrunner most famous for always getting his shows canceled -- or, in the case of Star Trek: Discovery, the showrunner who fired before his creation even debuted.
Jones pointed out that part of Fuller's repeated challenges stem from the natural conflict between network and creator. Sure, Fuller bringing his experiences as a queer creator to the world of Star Trek sounds great as a headline, but the reality is never as uplifting or as "diversifying" as what's being claimed. Because, sure, a gay man writing Star Trek is great until he actually wants to show gay people being as sexual and as diverse as straight people are. Then those who hold the purse strings say, "Can we dial this back a little?" And then they keep saying dial it back until we're Will & Grace in space. And that's not diversity -- that's pandering from people who want the LGBTQIA audience but don't want their baggage.
Would it be any different with the Buffy reboot? Whedon has never been very good at getting his way with TV execs (see: the cancellations of Firefly and Dollhouse) and Breen doesn't have the kind of clout to get her way, either.
![]() |
Buffy who? |
That just won't cut it. That's not enough to pull in the viewers TV executives claim they are trying to represent. When Black Lightning exists, when Black Panther exists, when Luke Cage exists, when Shonda goddamn Rhimes exists, that just isn't enough.
And I wish I could say that the reason I'm writing my thoughts about the Buffy reboot on Buffyfest as opposed to SYFY WIRE where my byline has found its home for over 7 years is out of pure nostalgia. But the truth is that I'm also doing it because WIRE is owned by NBC Universal Comcast and what I really feel and want to say would absolutely be tamped down so that we don't offend some of our "less political" readers. Even at WIRE, which is just a website for nerds entirely unaffiliated with Buffy or Fox, any remotely strongly worded criticisms for something like a Buffy reboot would be edited down and finished off with a "these opinions do not reflect those of Universal Comcast."
None of this is to say that a Buffy reboot will be definitely be bad. It might be good! For all we know that new, black Buffy Summers will also be trans and be joined by a host of people of color and LGBTQIA folx that entirely eschew colorism and queer stereotyping (looking at you Warren "bury our gays" Mears).
But I'm not holding my breath. And if it were up to me, we'd be getting a Vampire Huntress Legend series instead of the goofy prospect of a new Buffy/new Charmed crossover. Which, in fairness, I would absolutely watch.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
This Entertainment Weekly 'Buffy' 20th Anniversary Reunion is Evvverything!
If you haven't already watched the 44 minute Buffy 20th reunion video, really stop what you're doing and watch it here online RIGHT NOW on the People/Entertainment Network. It'll make your whole damn day.
Highlights: SMG and Joss are still Bangel 'shippers, Kristen Sutherland (Buffy's mom) has a killer Wednesday Adams-type style going on, Nicholas Brendon seems happy and healthy, everyone looks amazing (cough *Charisma Carpenter*) and more! Oh, and David Boareanz likes to rock a RHCP-eque cock-sock, or nothing at all. lolz!
See a slew of photos below of the cast reuniting from EW's corresponding photo shoot below. Issues are on sale this week!
Friday, March 10, 2017
No Really, Thank You.
On this great day, Sarah Michelle Gellar professed her love and gratitude for Buffy and it's fans on social media in celebration of the show's 20th anniversary and other cast members followed suit. She said:
"most importantly thank you to all of you, the fans. We made this show for you, and your unwavering support has kept this show going long past our seven years. You are everything. And always remember...'if the apocalypse comes, beep me'"
Now go and watch along with us, our site-wide favorite episode: "The Gift".