talk Dollhouse.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Angel on TNT
Chick Fight!
But now she of the red, leather pants is facing off against non other than she of the overall black leather...

Your mission, if you choo choo choose to accept it is to to click on the picture of the greatest ass kicker of them all (by which I mean Buffy and not some other greatest ass kicker of them all who I guess might exist in an alternate dimension that I'm unaware of but is probably still Buffy except instead of leather she wears alot of teri cloth for some reason) and vote your Slayer loving hearts out.
Here's our girl:

Now do your solemn duty and stake the shit out of Alba's overly inflated chest.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Joss Whedon - About Buffy Franchise's Future - Interview

IGN : I think I’m legally obligated to ask - Did that reunion inspire you to think, "Maybe one day we could do something again with Buffy in live-action" ?
Whedon : I never don’t think that, but I also [think about] the legal reality of the thing and the busyness of all our schedules – I’m happy to say they’re all working and so am I. It didn’t make me think about it more, because it’s always part of me. I’ll never let go of the story. I’m still working on the damn comic ! But the reality of the thing is so complicated that I’m like, if somebody comes to me and says, "Everybody’s signed on and it’s all good…" Otherwise, it would just be like I’d start to obsess about it. I shut it down, because I will break that story, and I’ve got to stop myself.
Summer Glau in "Tween Drama - Angel"
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Lush Body Butter
Very lengthy (and sorta silly) review of the "Buffy" body butter bar from Lush. I've been using this thing for about 7 years and it's by far my favorite product by them. Of course, the only reason I bought it was because it was called "Buffy the Backside Slayer"...but it's awesome beyond that.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Buffy/Angel video (haven't done this in a while)
The creator says "Set after the Angel finale "Not Fade Away" Buffy finds out Angel is dead, and she is haunted by her memories of him, but is he truly dead?"
This takes some imagination but the YouTube videos aren't usually this good so I felt the need to add it. I hope this is how Buffy really felt. Despair, Sorrow, Angry at W&H, etc. I wonder if we'll ever find out?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
9 minutes worth of Buffy Bloopers and Out-takes
9 Minutes worth of Buffy Bloopers and Out-takes. The 2 from I Only Have Eyes for You was actually the funniest followed by the saddest. The second one certainly wasn't a blooper, by any means. I felt exhausted for Smidge...crying during the hardest scenes on the show must've been so hard for them.
But of course then they had to go and ruin it by showing Spike & Buffy up against the wall behind the Doublemeat Dumpster. Lovely.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Movie Backstory

Anthony Head on British Talk Show last week
He goes by Anthony Head now. So, this is from last week. Dan'll enjoy this since he's an honorary Brit. It always amazes me how his accent is really more like Spike's than Giles. Love when Jonathan Ross asks him if he'd go back, he doesn't even hesitate.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Ten vampires that don't suck
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Movie wrap party
Monday, May 19, 2008
Buffy Blog Party at "Dispensing Happiness" food blog

Check out her blog and the Buffy event below. Cute!:
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sugarshock: Joss Whedon’s free on-line comic
Trachtenberg: Diva or Dawnie?

Can we perhaps give credit where credit is due? I realize there's no small amount of hate for she that is the Key, but girl is a fierce fashionista, no? What I love best, though, is that, underneath it all, she's still a total kiddo. Observe:

Can anything else be said other than "awe"? I mean her feet are completely covered and that face? Come on! What's not to love here? [source]
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Samantha "Once More, With Feeling" cuteness
When Sam was about 2 years old I bought her the soundtrack to Once More, With Feeling and she truly learned every word to every song. We used to sing them together all the time....Michael too. I wonder if she still remembers them now that she's nearly 8? Have to ask her some time.
Here's a flashback to Sam - Summer of 2005 at 4 1/2 years old. She's wearing a vintage disco dress of mine, pinned up with a brooch for length. Ha!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Dollhouse stuff all over the internets

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Who knew?

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Buffy Tarot Cards - New Images

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Did you know? Boreanaz is afraid of birds
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Happy 100th Blog Post!!

Monday, May 5, 2008
Once More, With Feeling Live in the UK
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Smidge's last scene on All My Children
"Learned a lot in this town....I lost a lot too."
Ha! Ridiculous dialogue and look at those jeans! You see a lot of season 1 buffy-type expressions on her face here.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Seriously, what the hell?