Friday, June 12, 2009


WTF else is happening in the Whedonverse you ask? Well here's a week end run down:

So are the Kuzui's nervous or what? Apparently the Whedonless Buffy movie producers did reach out to Joss after all (most likely after all the internets exploded in a frenzy of hate.) Joss told EW: “I believe [the producers] did ultimately reach out to my agent after the news broke.” Then goes on to say, “I think that’s something better left untouched by me. So, I wish them luck.” Yeah, good luck with that.

From the same article, Joss talks about how fabulous the new writing is going on Dollhouse, the status of Alpha, Summer Glau's appearance speculation and more. He says it's 'Back with such a vengeance'. The man certainly seems excited! I think that's reason for all the haters and worriers to chillax just a little.

If you're going to San Diego Comic Con, you'll be pleased to hear about the awesomeness announced. Not only will there be a Dollhouse Q&A panel in Ballroom 20 with Joss and Eliza, but the final season 1 episode surrounded in mystery - 'Epitaph One' - is now confirmed to be shown...and this all in a 2 hour mega-panel. 

And don't forget to pre-order the fancy shmancy Dollhouse Comic Con Special Edition DVD set from when it goes on sale July 6 at 10am PST. It will be sold until July 20 on there and because of that, it's probably not a good idea to press your luck and try to get one on sale at SDCC itself. 

Also at SDCC, there will be a sing-along screeing of Dr. Horrible and Commentary! The Musical. California Browncoats will be hosting. Fun!

Probably best to check out the LA times Comic Con Survival Guide if you're going to be doing all that.

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