Monday, September 21, 2009

Dr. Horrible Sing-Along Tonight!

Don't forget that tonight Joss will be at The Symphony Space (2537 Broadway at 95th Street) for a rousing sing-along of Doctor Horrible with some "special guests". Afterward Ira Glass (awesome) will be on hand to take control of ye olde Q&A. Most importantly of all though, Tara and I will be there and, let's be honest, aren't we the people you've been most dying to meet?

See you there!


Anonymous said...

I don't know how, but I missed finding out about this and now it's too late :(

Life Sucks and So Do You said...

"Most importantly of all though, Tara and I will be there and, let's be honest, aren't we the people you've been most dying to meet?"

Oh yes, Bitsy. If only to gain insight into your stupendous arrogance. I've always been interested in the false uniqueness complex, although I do have a feeling it is more pronounced in your gal pal. I could be wrong. You do seem pretty darn self-absorbed. You and Tara truly suck.

As for Joss Whedon, who cares? I like some of his shows (otherwise, why would I visit this mediocre/lackluster blog, which, believe me, is a source of guilt for me), but I'll be damned if I'd ever contribute to his overblown superiority complex by attending a hosted event. You and Tara (and the rest of humanity) simply don't think about these things, do you? I ask you, what does he have to say that hasn't been said before? Nothing, I submit. Gasp. If you and Tara ever read anything above the comic book level, you'd know this. Admit it (yeah, right), you two are attending, in part, because Joss offers something that you both need in order to maintain your ego.

And Tara, I hated your Emmy post. It really sucked. I've never watched an Emmy in my life, and never will. Why would I care what show wins what, or what actors are the talk of the town? It only furthers the type of mentality I despise. That is, unadulterated hero worship. You people are so petty and, believe it or not, perpetuate all that is wrong with this world with your mindless philosophies. Life sucks when I have to live in it with goofballs like you.
Sorry to be so brutally honest, but losers like you and Tara need tough love (which I doubt will do any good since you're most probably know-it-alls, anyway).
And that's all I have to say about that.

Tara said...

What about Michelle? Doesn't she get any tough love?

In other yay for tonight! I still think the Cap'n will be there. We shall see....

Life Sucks and So Do You said...

Tara, if your buddy Michelle posts something I deem idiotic in nature (and I'm convinced she will), I will most certainly put her in her pompous, prideful place, just like I did you and Bitsy. I don't have a problem correcting ignorance. It's a mitzvah. God knows you fruitloops need a guiding hand, and I'm happy to lend you mine.

Michael said...

Oh...and you have a great time tonight. Wish I was going. I too found out about this way too late!!

Simeon said...

Random question: does anybody know when Season 2 of Sarah Connor Chronicles will be one the DVD shelves? Note to Life Sucks and So Do You: tone it down, mofo.

Michelle said...


I just checked Amazon and it comes out tomorrow! As most know on this blog, I loved Terminator and have bitterness that it's gone.

D said...

Life Sucks and So Do You, I thought I was the only one bitter about the Cult of Celebrity. Your observations are right on, and don't let anyone ever tell you any different. But at the same time, don't expect anyone to listen to you. The Cult of Celebrity and hero worship are a form of escapism, with more insidious consequences few understand or are willing to ackowledge. I'm with you on that front, for sure. As for the Buffyfest crew, don't be so hard on them. They seem really nice....

Michael said...

D...cult of celebrity is one thing, admiration/respect is another...calling people losers and fruitloops is something entirely different...don't you agree? I just don't get it!!! Why do people have to take everything so seriously??? What, you never admired anyone? No heroes in no walks of life? You achieved perfection? It's hard to listen to anyone's POV when they attack. Okay, I'm more posting for's just like every other blog. People bitching. Isn't this blog called buffyFEST...not fuck Whedon and his fans. I will still vote though:) gotta see who wins.