That's right. Joss Whedon told Sci-Fi Wire that not only will Dr. Horrible be back, it might be a big screen production. Unfortunately, I hesitate to jump for joy on this one. Won't that decision make it harder for Joss to use his creative license and possibly allow the "Suits" to come in and destroy the purity of the story (see also: Dollhouse)? Joss says no.
"We want to do the product the same way we did the first one, which is out of our hearts, and then go to people [and say], 'OK, if you're interested in this, this is what it is.' Besides, it could be something theatrical. It could be something on the Internet again, where it's done on the fly and it all comes from us. We don't know how we want that to be. The best thing to do is to write it. Then we can start deciding a business model based on the script."
Okay, so Joss assures us that no one else will dictate the story that they want to tell. Maybe it'll be another Serenity. Or maybe not. As much as I love Dr. Horrible, what if they can't pull off a final installment that lives up to the rest of the story? I'd hate to see them tarnish the characters we've grown to love (see also: Buffy Season 7).
(Spoiler) Furthermore, Maurissa Tancharoen and Jed Whedon, co-writers, said that they'd like the chance to bring Penny back from the dead (see also: Buffy Season 6).
Does everyone see where I'm going with this? If so, now you understand why the joy-jumping has been halted until further notice. I know I'm usually the optimist of the group, but this has got me worried and it's only because I feel so much love and respect for the story of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (see also: Buffy, Angel, Firefly).
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I think this all sounds rather good. I'm dying for more Doctor Horrible (anyone else think dr. Horrible would have been a much better tv series than Dollhouse?) and I absolutely love Felicia, so I really wouldn't mind if they brought her back. I'm not that eager for Joss to get back into movies (and get stuck in development hell again), but feature length does sound appealing and team Whedon does seem to keep their fantastic independent spirit. Then again I don't have any problem with season 7 of Buffy (and season 6 is one of my favourites).
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