On October 24th, we posted a fun article about the nomination of Giles for President. With the U.S. elections just one day away, the Buffyfest Bloggers got so inspired that we decided to finish this list and create our very own Presidential Cabinet. Buffy-style, of course.

Rupert Giles – President
We’ve seen Giles makes some tough decisions on the Hellmouth. Time and time again, he’s researched and analyzed before rushing into war. His skills as an Executive, as well as a Commander in the field, make him the perfect person to serve the highest office in the land.
Wesley Wyndam Pryce – Vice President

Like Giles, Wesley knows what it’s like to make the tough decisions. Studying at the same institution and his understanding and rapport with Mr. Giles, will make him an excellent supplement to the Office of the President. He’s also been known to take charge when the leader is unable. Just ask Angel.
Daniel 'Oz' Osborne – Secretary of State
With his extensive traveling record through touring with Dingoes Ate My Babies and his Wolf-cure pilgrimage, he’s sure to understand the state of the union and abroad. Oz also has the essential ability to smooth over any fight. Plus, everyone loves Oz!
Buffy Summers – Secretary of Defense
The Battle of the Hellmouth and the defeat of Glory have only been a few of the wars Buffy Summers has won. Her strategy experience, as well as her fighting techniques, makes her the perfect person to hold this office.
Willow Rosenberg – Secretary of Education

From the moment she took over Ms. Calendar's Computer classes, Willow Rosenberg has been a champion for education.
Angel – Director of Nation Intelligence

Angel has the distinctive skill of stealth. His battle experience, world traveling and historical knowledge will help strengthen our National Intelligence community.
Cordelia Chase – Secretary of Transportation
When it comes to transportation, no one has saved so many lives through the use of their car. Whether it be a quick get-away or a fancy event at the local Fraternity House, Cordelia has the lock on transportation.
Anya Jenkins – Secretary of the Treasury

Budget deficit, what budget deficit? There is no way Anya would let any of our money go to waste. With a thousand years of experience, your money is in good hands.
Xander Harris - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 
Buffy’s house would be a demolition site if not for the building skills of Xander Harris. With his years as a construction worker and contractor, Xander knows his way around the Hellmouth and beyond.
Principle Synder – Homeland Security

A strict disciplinarian with a dictator-like personality, Principle Snyder can see an enemy from a mile away. Plus, rules and restrictions are his favorite forte.
Winifred Burkle – Secretary of Health and Human Services 
As a Physics student at UCLA and head of Wolfram and Hart's Science Division, Fred has the ability to move our nation towards a healthier tomorrow.
Tara Maclay – Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
With her extensive knowledge of healing spells and her reverence for nature, the earth is in good hands with Tara Maclay.
Faith Lehane, Charles Gunn and Spike - Secret Service Agents
An important job in any administration is keeping our leaders safe. These three have shown time and time again that they are strong in battle.
They’ve even been on the wrong side of the law themselves, so they have a unique understanding of the criminal minds that lurk in the shadows.