In true compulsive fashion, though, with the season premier of Vampire Diaries looming in the "Must See TV" September air, I set my DVR to record because at this point I think it's a sickness for me to record any show set in a fantastic other world (see also: Supernatural, Fringe). And again, I almost stopped watching circa episode 5, but then something amazing happened - I saw true potential in the show and a hint of smart writing and some interesting characterization crept in, too. I do have my worries that it will soon lose my interest because in all honesty, I don't see the point of Elena (yet). I'm least interested in her and more intrigued by her screwed up brother, his even more screwed up girlfriend and her witchy best friend. Let's not forget the two vamp brothers either, who by the the way, are the equivalent of Angel and Angelus getting their own spin off called Orpheus: The Series where in the first episode they find the long lost Gem of Amara!
Which brings me to my second fear. I always compare supernatural shows to Buffy and this one's no different with the parallels. We've got the witchy best friend, the other best friend with unrequited feelings, the vamp-tortured-soul boyfriend, his evil alter-ego, the unaware aunt/parental figure, the High School bitca and the local hangout in the mystical town. The only thing missing is the Watcher and an interesting female lead, unfortunately.
I don't even mind that it clearly bites off of the Buffy/Angel relationship (see photo above) because, at the end of the day, I think the show has potential. I just truly hope that they either nix the lead actress from the show or give her arc something interesting to hold onto besides an undead boyfriend and some silly diary entries. Oh, and get rid of that stupid crow while you're at it.
I am loving where this show is going! I watched the first episode and really did not like it. I missed a couple of them and then watched the halloween episode one night when nothing was on. I've been keeping up with the episode now and the show is improving every week and as you said Michelle, has great potential.
To Michelle: It's sad you gave up on True Blood, although I can understand, I almost gave up after seeing the first season, however the second season is absolutely phenomenal, I think one of the best seasons of television ever. Minus the finale episode which was lacklustre. If you can try it out again, I would definitely reccomend it.
To Ewan: As someone who also loves Kill Bill (they are actually my favourite movies ever, volume 2 slightly ahead of volume 1), I am going to have disagree. While that scene you described would have been cool in terms of action and cinematically, thematically it just would not fit with the rest of the season. The whole season was about power (well actually, I am of the opinion that every season is ultimately about power in some way), about Buffy being blessed with it, and others not so much, the promise of power, and who deserves power. Buffy giving power to others, giving what, despite its burden, is a gift to others. That is what makes her a true hero. Not being powered up into a comic-book hero.
Emily - The Halloween episode was about the time I started thinking it had potential, too. That's when the table's turned. Although, I still think the lead actress is going no where fast.
Ewan - Season 7 is very weak and with the release of the comics, that last scene with Buffy smiling and looking down the road, makes no sense at all.
Anonymous - I'm not much of a TV watcher as it is, so it takes a lot for me to get invested in a show. I don't think I can go back to True Blood now that I've stopped. I've already filled my TV quota with Fringe, Supernatural and Vampire Diaries. I watched Flash Forward for a bit, but I've abandoned it because it's too painful to sit through horrible writing. Oh, and I'm going to give "V" a chance, too.
I have liked Vampire Diaries since the first show and it just keeps getting better and better. The writers seem to surprise me with story line every week. Even my African Gray parrot likes it enough to say WOW after this weeks eps. I watch True Blood, but did not like the Mary Ann story at all, way to much orgy for me. I did like Moonlight, mainly because of Josef and would have loved to see more of his story. But Buffy to me is the best TV series ever on TV and Spike the best character and not just as a vampire, but the character. James Marsters did it all, he took a character and brought Spike to life. I could cry with him, and in the same ep laugh. But back to Vampire Diaries, I am sad after the next ep will have to wait until Jan. That sucks.
The Vampire Diary books are just so much better than the series, I'm still having trouble with the show. I'm giving it time, but I'm not sure how long. If you read the books, you get to see the whole point of Elena. The only character that's really the same as in the books is Ian Somerhalder's portrayal of Damon. He's probably the only reason I keep watching. But then I do love those evil men. ;)
I tried True Blood, but it just seemed lie it was more about sex than anything else and, honestly, if I wanted to watch porn...whatever.
buffygroupie I agree with you True Blood is just sex and I don't even think the vamps are good looking. I also lean to the "bad" boys, Angelus was so hot and I like Damon for the same reason. Now Spike I just like when he is bad, good, or just standing there.lol
i'm going to completely tangent off here...have you noticed the vampire make up on the vampire diaries? i'm not talking the "i'm all vamped out and gonna kill you now" make up, i mean the day to day wear of the two brothers. it harkens back to season one and two of buffy, when angel, and later spike, looked pale and dead. i loved that. in later seasons they pop up with light tans and pink lips and it always bugs me to no end. i mean really, take a look at angel season 5 spike; his make up is just obnoxious. whenever i watch vampire diaries i give a silent thank you to the make up artist who learnt from the buffyverse's mistake and took the time to slap light foundation and dark eyeliner on the vamp brothers.
You know Sarah, I didn't even notice but now that you mention it..I really, really agree with that. They do a great job with the make-up and they actually don't even have to considering the Gem of Amara clause and all.
Both Angel and Spike look way vampier in the early seasons of Buffy. Angel popping up the end of Buffy S.7 KILLS me...what with the healthy tan and rosy cheeks and sparkly teeth ugh. And Spike is in the direct sun in EVERY DAMN EPISODE of season 7. The VDs just shot up a point!
Heh. "The VDs".
I don't compare True Blood to Buffy, because they are night/day. Sure, If Joss had written for HBO...but then he wouldn't be Joss. :D
I've seen only glimpses of Supernatural, but I liked what I saw.
Thanks for the post! Very interesting.
Well now I'm wondering if I should give Vampire Diaries another chance. I watched teh first couple episodes and they were okay, but not enough to hold my interest. Plus, I hated how much they changed Elena. I would rather watch the snotty, ambitious Elena from the books.
One thing though, Vampire Diaries doesn't really have a lot to do with the Buffy/Angel relationship. It's funny how Vampire Diaries keep getting compared to Buffy and Twilight as if it stole from them. The book series was written well before either was created. If anything they both pulled from this series (assuming their creators even knew it existed).
Ewan - I shouldn't have to tell you that the last sentence in your comment above is out of bounds but, apparently, I do. I'm asking you to delete your own comment and not repeat this behavior in the future. If you don't, I'll just delete it for you. Either way, the creepy commentary from you will no longer be tolerated.
Man, is there some way to just block Ewan? I'm tired of seeing his hurtful comments on here. He takes away from my enjoyment of the blog.
Ewan- get a life. That is disgusting. Honestly, I already told you to be nicer, now I have to tell you to stop being dirty?
Bitsy- Although I applaud you for giving him the chance to delete it, unfortunatly I don't think under the name/url opition that is possible. Correct me if I'm wrong, since I'm not 100 percent sure.
As for True Blood, I do enjoy it. It was a bit like watching porn in S1, which was rather uncomfortable. S2 in my opinion is much much better and is very good. Lastly, I love the vampire diaries. I don't compare it to Buffy at all. As I said in my first comment, I love where it is going.
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