Little known fact about me: I am a fan of Canadians. It's true. Don't ask me to explain, it's just a truism that has been upheld throughout my many years as a wacky blogger and even beyond (something beyond blogging? the hell, you say). Imagine my delight when my favorite show that is both Canadian and involves time travel (I know, right?) just so happened to have an episode entitled Erica the Vampire Slayer. With that not so subtle shout-out I thought, oh my, what a lovely excuse to recommend yet another show I love that starts with the word "being"! Shall we begin? Why, yes! Let's shall.
The concept: In a nutshell, Being Erica is the story of thirty something Erica Strange who has practically made flailing and failing in life into a profession. She gets fired for being too smart, she can't hold onto a man, she blunders around like a hopeless hapless oaf until suddenly, a series of unfortunate events leads her to the very zen, very silly, possible deity in disguise Dr. Tom. He asks her to compose a list of every major regret she has and, one by one, she travels back in time to revisit those moments in a hope to understand and perhaps even change them. It's a silly premise that leads to massive hilarity especially considering that the series premiere involves traveling back to high school in the 90's. I will say this: Four Non Blondes. I'll leave it at that.
The connection to our girl Buffy and our man Joss still seem a little thin, does it? Alright, I'll up the ante. Look to your right? You see that sexy young gentleman? Look familiar? If you're a true Whedonverse obsessed nerd like I am he should. That is Tyron Leitso who plays Erica's love interest. No? Try this on for size. Before that he played paramour to a girl by the name of Jaye Tyler on a little show called Wonderfalls. And who wrote for that all too quickly canceled series? Why a little man you might remember named Tim Minear, that's who! Why do I feel like I'm playing the Kevin Bacon game right now? Anyway! The point is the show is awesome and the last episode is called Erica the Vampire Slayer for Buffy's sake! And it involved the time Erica dated a LARPer! What more could you ask for? How about a clip of Erica impressing her professor no end by utilizing the skillful words of the finest poetess in the land: Miss Britney Spears!
Being Erica airs on CBC on Wedensdays at 9pm and Thursdays at 10pm on SoapNet.
that was kind of awesome.
I recognized Tyron Leitso immediately! Oh, Wonderfalls, another Fox show gone before its time...
I love this show!<3
This... looks fantastic.
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