Here's the story about this Joss Whedon panel: For the entire time we were on the line, I was super conflicted about the fact that Anthony Stewart Head was moderating the
Grimm Panel with David Greenwalt 30 minutes after Joss ended. I reeeeally wanted to see that epicness. So once we get in, Ivan sets up the camera, we get fantastic seats and I for some inane reason decide to bolt. This isn't my first time at the Rodeo, so I know what these lines are like and that 30 minutes isn't nearly enough...but I do it anyway like dumb ass.
After power walking I swear an effing mile, I see the 1500 people on line for
Grimm and realize the error of my ways. It's okay as the guys were back there recording the entire panel, but really? So I walk back to panel in hopes of catching a glimpse of the end and realize for the entirety of my walk I'm walking beside Alan Tudyk!! I knew I recognized that voice!
The good thing is I did luckily make it back to catch the last 15 minutes of Joss. Below is the panel and yes, I'm watching it now in full for the first time! Enjoy!
The line for the Grimm panel was actually misleading. We sat through the whole Joss panel AND made it to the Grimm panel in time. I think the lines for those small rooms just seem worse than they are, because there's so little room for them. Plus, the volunteers keep blocking off walkways and causing build-up of bodies. But don't feel bad because you didn't miss too much. After the pilot screened, there was barely ANY time for Q&A. The highlight was just seeing ASH and getting waaaaay too excited, but he didn't say much at all.
Anyway, I think I saw you guys right before the Joss panel, sitting in the reserved section. I was in the second row in the middle.
OMG, I can't believe you got into Grimm after Joss! The SDCC line guy told me there was no way that was happening. But I feel SO much better after reading your recap. Thanks!
And yes, we were in the reserved section! I wish you would've said hi! Was it during the panel itself? Michelle and I were both wearing our Buffyfest shirts that day and Geroges Jeanty was right behind us. I kept running around (which you already know from my diatribe in this post, haha.)
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