Buffy - All I want from Santa is...
1. Angel
2. One good birthday
3. A gift certificate from Neiman Marcus for some stylish, but sensible boots
Connor (Poor Conner) - All I want from Santa is...
1. To be a Champion like his father
2. The Dean's List at Stanford
3. A gift certificate to Tony Roma's
Giles - All I want from Santa is...
1. Buffy's safety
2. His pilot license
3. English Breakfast Tea
1. Buffy's safety
2. His pilot license
3. English Breakfast Tea
Spike - All I want from Santa is...
1. To rest
2. A chance to play for Manchester United
3. Passions DVD Box set
Xander - All I want from Santa is...
1. A girlfriend who doesn't die prematurely
2. An eye
3. A custom leather carpenter's tool belt
1. A girlfriend who doesn't die prematurely
2. An eye
3. A custom leather carpenter's tool belt
Wesley - All I want from Santa is...
1. Termination of his contract with Wolfram & Hart
2. His father's approval
3. Rhythm
Willow will say it again..."Not everybody worships Santa!"A special addendum to our list written by our beloved Ryan.
For the first night of Hanukkah, Willow would like her girlfriend to stop doing tampon commercials.
For the second night of Hanukkah, Willow would like a sweater made from real Muppet fur.
For the third night of Hanukkah, Willow would like her Barbie back.
For the fourth night of Hanukkah, Willow would like the collected Dingoes Ate My Baby box set.
For the fifth night of Hanukkah, Willow would like unbreakable crayons.
For the sixth night of Hanukkah, Willow would like new goldfish.
For the seventh night of Hanukkah, Willow would like Tina Fey and a bucket of whipped cream.
And for the last night of Hanukkah, Willow would like A Charlie Brown Christmas on DVD.
Wesley's number one should be Fred.
Anyway, cool list :D
That is a fabulous list!
Willow is the lucky one - she gets 8 nights of goodies...hope Tina doesn't accidentally get replaced by Palin...
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