When Twitterer @monkeyonthelam issued the following tweet: "I wish there was a comprehensive list of the last line said by every dead Whedonverse character. I love lists, but that would be a lot of work"...we took that as a personal challenge. At least to come up with 25 of 'em. Well, this gets a bit lengthy so let's get to it.
...but before we do, we'd like to point out that during our research we realized there are many a great characters that do not really get a last line. The final thing they say may be a scene or 2 before the actual death or some-such. This includes: Anya, Buffy (the 1st time), Kendra (she's hypnotized), Jenny Calendar, Larry, Jonathan, Joyce, etc. Since they didn't get the glory of a last lick, why not make one up for them and leave it in the comments?
Without further ado, Buffyfest presents: Last Lines of the Dead.

Jesse: - "You don't have the guts." -
The Harvest

Principal Flutie: - "Are you insane?!" -
The Pack

Darla: "Angel?" -

Uncle Enyos: "I suppose you want answers."
- Innocence

Angel (Becoming): "Quickly, you have to send me to Hell to stop Acathla, Buffy" (reportedly, all but the last word were "indicated with his eyes" [sic]). -
Becoming Part 2

Mr. Trick: "Oh, no. No, this is no good at all." -

The Mayor: "Well, gosh."
- Graduation Day Part 2

Magie Walsh: "Adam?" -
The I in Team

Adam: "How...can you?"
- Primeval

Buffy: "The hardest thing in this world is to live in it"
- The Gift

Tara: "Your shirt..." -
Seeing Red

Spike: "I want to see how it ends." -

Warren: "I know you're in pain, but-" -

VampWillow: "Aw, f..."

Doyle: " "Too bad we'll never know...if this is a face you could learn to love." -

Lilah: "He's gonna kill us." -

Cordy: "Oh... and you're welcome." -
You're Welcome

Darla (again): ""This Child, it's the one good thing we ever did together. You make sure to tell him that." -

Fred: "Please, Wesley, why can't I stay?" -
A Hole in the World

Wes: "I—I love you." -
Not Fade Away

Lindsey: "You kill me? A flunky?! I'm not just... Angel...kills me. You don't... Angel..." -
Not Fade Away

Mr. Universe: "They can't stop the signal, Mal. They can never stop the signal." -

Wash: "I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how..." -

Shepherd Book: "I don't care what you believe. Just believe it. Whatever you..." -
-Dr. Horrible-

Penny: "Captain Hammer will save us." -
Dr. Horrible Act III
The Volcanologist: "Hi, I'm a Volcanologist." - Graduation Day Pt. 1
What, nothing from Dollhouse?
So many good ones there. Great list!
i thought the mayor said "well done"
Lindsey dies?! I NEED to get round to watching the rest of Angel!
You know how I love my lists and this is a great one!
Topher: "Huh..."
You forgot Principal Snyder:
"You're on my campus, buddy, and when I say I want quiet, I mean..." (Graduation Day, Part 2)
You can really tell a lot about a character from their last words.
Or um, for some of these cases, I guess not so much.
Still really interesting, though! :D
Great list...Fred and Wes's last words still make me teary-eyed.
I was going to point of Faith, but then remembered that she didn't actually die. Silly me.
Oh, but what about Jonathan?? I know he gets a last line, because he had some speech about how he wanted to know how the people he knew in highschool were doing...I can't remember the quote, but he deserves a mention!
And you should throw a few random demons in there.
Horned guy: "She's not even half the girl she - ow..."
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