The results of this last match are even closer than March Madness, with the top ep winning by a mere 3 votes! It always gets so close at the end. Without further ado, we give you the favorite Buffy episode as voted by the fandom. drumroll....

Becoming, Part 2
She loved him, she abhorred him, she killed him. "Becoming Part 2" is an episode with a real emotional punch. Angel's spell worked, Willow's spell worked, and Buffy had to make a sacrifice worthy of a hero...heart-wrenching as it was. Add a little school expulsion and family issues, it's no wonder she couldn't do it a second time, when the issue became Dawn's sacrifice.
That might be how this episode took down the amazing singing and dancing that is "Once More, With Feeling". Congrats to both episodes for being so beloved by the fandom.
Click the image below to enlarge the entire filled in bracket.
It took me so much to think about this final vote, that I finally forgot to cast it..
Such great episodes.. I'm happy with the winner (not that I wouldn't have been just as happy if OMWF won, anyway..).. I re-watched it recently, and I remember thinking how Becoming II had everything..contained every single element that was, and was going to be Buffy..How great is Angelus, we all know.. How great is Buffy's sacrifice, and how heart breaking the ending of the episode is, we all know.. But there's more to it.. There's Buffy becoming aware of herself..There's Angelus becoming Angel.. There's Willow becoming powerful... There's Spike becoming an unlikely ally.. There's Joyce becoming aware of Buffy's fate...oh and so much more.. This episode is roots to the show..
So, well deserved victory, yay Becoming part II!
Close one. There was some hardcore oscillation during this big enchilada of a finale. Not my ep of choice won, but hey. I'm ultra cool and exceedingly hip, with a Spock-like intelligence. I wouldn't expect regular Buffyfesters to understand my keen insights concerning what truly is the greatest Buffy episode of all-time, let alone vote for my preference. Becoming, Part Deux is okay, and I won't be a poor sport (even though it's not really worthy of the title), so congrats to Becoming, Part Deux. Really enjoyed this tournament, despite the fact my ep went down in flames (you wouldn't understand-this type of Buffy logic is reserved for jeenyuses, like me)....
So close! Though I love OMWF dearly, I think Becoming pt2 is a deserving winner.
Thanks so much for doing this!
Very deserving winner, and my fave episode of the whole series.
No surprise.
The top two, beside "The Body", were truly my favorites, so I would have been glad with either.
That was so close that, for me, they'll share the top honor even though I did end up voting for Becoming, Part 2. I was sorriest to see Innocence wiped out before the finish and that might be why I went with Becoming.
Anyway, thank you again Buffyfesters for the tourney. Excruciating choices all the way through aside? It was lots of fun! :-)
Wow, Season 7 got smoked in this tournament. No top 16 eps and "Chosen" lost to "The Prom." Ouch. "Consequences" got lucky with a weak bracket, cause there's no way that's a top 16 ep (my opinion, my opinion). I can't believe "Choices" didn't make it out of the first round, haha. Anyway, great fun and I have no problem with the top four, even if "The Body" had to go against OMWF in the "Elite Eight." :-D
This was a lot of fun! In the process of voting, I rediscovered a lot of episodes I hadn't considered rewatching in awhile. A Buffy party with friends is not in order!
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