It's true folks. I just got off the phone with Scott Allie and Angel is indeed Twilight, the mysterious masked man of Buffy Season 8. Angel's been my pick for Twilight since the beginning and I'm super excited to see how this plays out. Angel's back in the Buffyverse and only goodness and angst can come from that!
*Update*: The entire Scott Allie Interview
click play
Here's a couple teasers from the interview:
- Releasing these covers was 100% a mistake. Joss and Scott have kept this secret for 4 years and this was definitely a disappointment.
- Buffy's reaction upon seeing Angel: "Shock and Anger."
- Dark Horse will have a special Facebook post asking fans to give their opinions on the foreshadowing of Angel and the Red Herrings seen throughout the series so far. Check out the page in the next few hours for details: http://www.facebook.com/darkhorsecomics
Now comes the nail-biting and the head scratching as we brace ourselves for the impact, explosion and aftermath of the story as it unfolds.
- Releasing these covers was 100% a mistake. Joss and Scott have kept this secret for 4 years and this was definitely a disappointment.
- Buffy's reaction upon seeing Angel: "Shock and Anger."
- Dark Horse will have a special Facebook post asking fans to give their opinions on the foreshadowing of Angel and the Red Herrings seen throughout the series so far. Check out the page in the next few hours for details: http://www.facebook.com/darkhorsecomics
Now comes the nail-biting and the head scratching as we brace ourselves for the impact, explosion and aftermath of the story as it unfolds.
I'm trying to think the plot or the HUGE twist, but all I can think about is "OMG, it's Buffy and Angel and they are kissing and being all romantic and OH GOD, I love them". LOL
How could they ruin Angel's character like that? Are we really back to s2-Bangel?!
I just hope this was a mislead again or something like that. If not, then it's a huge disappointment.
Thanks for the spoilage.
I'm pretty sure they won't ruin Angel's character. Like Scott said, he has his reasons and I'm sure they are good ones.
Um....this could end in disaster.
This is a massive misdirection. I've thought Twilight was Angel from the beginning but the way they're handling this "accident" goes to show it's all a ruse to really surprise us when the issue hits stands.
The image you have, of Angel making Buffy stake herself, is it for a future issue?
Its apparently the cover for the trade paper back collecting the next five issues entitled "Twilight"
Thanks, I see the text beneath the image now.
Really you guys!!! You can't say "spoiler" and then post that cover right there!!!!!!! DAMN!
Well, if he's Twilight then I suppose I can deal with that. Perhaps I'll buy the Buffy comics someday, afterall....
Alex B.
P.S.-I'm off to Ivy League hell, once again. You shall not be seeing me in these here parts for a long while. Might be spending the summer at an observatory. Hey, there are perks to having a brother who is a theoretical physicist....
am i the only one who's really annoyed that we couldn't discover who twilight is by, oh i don't know, reading the comic?! damn double-edged sword of the internet, how i love and hate you.
i'm really worried about how they're going to handle buffy and angel's relationship, and angel's reason for twilighting. i don't really trust joss not to eff this up.
A friend of mine told me the other day about Twilight's true identity being leaked over the internet. At first I hadn't heard about it, then for a second I didn't believe it, but I got the link so I went to check it out.
I'll be honest in saying that I was completely surprised that it was Angel. Words couldn't express it, is all I have to say. I know a lot of the readers are shocked and disappointed, but I've also just read yesterday from a recent interview that Twilight is just a small part in what's to come with the rest of the story arc.
I'm a big fan of Buffy and Angel, both with the romantic crap, but also because of their ability to be able to fight side by side like the warriors that they are. I trust that Scott and Joss are gonna bring much interesting plots with the upcoming issues, so I have to say I'm really excited about all this.
This is an intresting idea.I mean an explaination why Angel is doing all of this, how he came to it.. all this stuff...
But this is WRONG! This SHOULD NEVER happen! Buffy and Angel supposed to be in love, or at last be best friends - but not mortal enemies. And it should not end... like this.
I guess you understand that there is only one way how it can be finished - She will dust him. I dont want it. I dont want Buffy to kill Angel and Angel to be evil and fight with Slayer.
God, I can omly hope that despite all odds it is still a big lie and Angel is not Twilight
Be damned, Whedon. Some of your ideas are brilliant.. but some are horrible.
Im pissed, honest to God I am pissed. What the F%&K? Really? Angel? Angel has and always will be my favorite character. This is ridiculous... What has this become, is the buffyverse going to fall the way of the marvel universe. The one thing i appreciated about this was the canonicity of the archs. What the HELL? Angel isn't even a darkhorse character he's with idw. I guess it dosen't really matter cause there all owned by joss and fox. i hate this... joss whedon, scott allie i have been a fan for a long time, but this just pisses me off. Angel: After the Fall was an incredible series, one of the best ive ever read, and if this dosen't add up, or if this in any way villifies Angel's character, then you have lost a fan. Forever.
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