Thursday, April 2, 2009

March Madness - The Whedonverse Character Tournament FINALE!

Well after a whole month of doing this we're finally coming to the end of the "March Madness" tournament. We started with 64 beloved Whedonverse characters and now we're down to the Final 2, as voted by you. Thanks so much to everyone who participated and made this so enjoyable. Maybe next time we'll do a "Worst of the lot" tourney. FYI, even if you never voted before, please feel free to still vote in this championship round.

The Final Four was intense, but then again we are a passionate bunch, right? Spike pretty much clobbered Willow, not a surprise...but Red had more than a few fans with 69 votes. The real surprise was Giles beating Buffy by a huge landslide at one point early on! But the slayer came back in the end to beat Giles by an even 20 points. I always thought Buffy would make it to the end, but she sure got a run for her money a few times. See below for battle for the championship:

Location: The Hellmouth, Hell
Spike vs. Buffy
Choose and Perish...

Winner of the East: Spike 132 to Willow 69 ,
Winner of the West: Giles 90 to Buffy 110

And that is your final showdown of the Whedonverse. It's ending in 2 days - Friday, April 3rd at 11:59 pm EST (shortly after Dollhouse!) Like always, if you want to play along, please leave your choices in the comments section of this post!

If your curious to see the bracket showing how the tourney went, click here to enlarge:


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Danners said...


Anonymous said...

Spike, for sure

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I say jk I say Spike.

Faith said...


Anonymous said...


snowpop said...

Spike all the way!

Anonymous said...


ben said...

Gotta go with the Buffster.

Iceeh said...

No Willow or Giles? as;lt'askdj

Anyways, I choose Buffy!

Tara said...

This is going to be a scary couple of days! But come on, it's Buffy. The king of the Whedonverse.

Buffy FTFW

Tara said...

hee! Iceeh (and Danner too), you guys are adorable.

Emmie said...

Buffy! Although I want to say Spike, too. Can't they both win and share the win bed?

Nitpicker said...

Spike, I guess.

Verdant Earl said...

Gotta go with Buffy.

Anonymous said...

Spike <3

zarine said...


wyndam said...


Anonymous said...

he totally rules!!!

Bitsy said...


I'm going to request that the word "tranny" not be used in a derogatory manner to describe Buffy or anyone else. To do so others and dehumanizes members of the trans community and I'm sure none of us open-minded, intelligent fans have any desire to do that.

Besides, a transgendered slayer would be freakin' awesome.

Carry on.

nyrk said...


Nicole said...


oh, by the way... didn't put tucker in the test did you?
(tucker= andrew's big brother, just in case n_n)

anca said...


Anonymous said...

Of course it's Spike

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But I've got to admit that the decision was pretty hard.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Spike all the way baby!

Anonymous said...

Spike, although I do think they should share the crown and rule the Whedonverse with snark and justice for all. In bed, as the wag above pointed out.

Unknown said...


ACollinsVampire said...


There would be no Spike without her!!

Anonymous said...


Fenderlove said...


Anonymous said...


Though I'd also like for them to share a bed. Eh, I mean crown. ;-)

she fell down said...

no matter what i do it's going to be painful. i feel like i'm being unrealistic...i mean she's BUFFY. The most chosen of the chosen. spike beating buffy? he would rather rip off his own arms. but, please, like buffy could take spike down if he was intent on winning. i'm kinda hoping for a tie.



Anonymous said...

This is really tough one. Spike is my favourite Whedonverse character, but he wouldn't be the man he is without all that Buffy did for him in season 7.

Therefore, I choose Buffy.

Ideally, though, I would love them to tie.

Unknown said...

Spike please. Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Spike. Mainly because he was an 'accidental' main character and became a staple of the show.

Anonymous said...


All the way. He's what lifted the show into that extraordinary rewatchable-a-decade-later status.

Buffy was wonderful too, yes, but hey, she had her own show - let Spike have this.

Danielle said...

Cmon', it's her show!

Anonymous said...


Elena said...

I can't choose between them. They are both my favorite characters. Could I vote for Spike+Buffy=4eva? Just kidding.

I abstain.

sammywol said...

Spike, his speeches are shorter.

Natalia said...


Jaina said...

Erm, neither? Oh wait, can't do that!


Zacki said...

Throughout this whole tournament I never voted for spike. In the first round he knocked out probably my favorite character in Whedonverse - Lorne (may Andy Hallett rest in peace), then Faith who I always thought was great, Darla I didn't mind that much but then he also beat Mal - the greatest captain in Whedonverse and after that, Willow.
I liked Spike when he was evil, the Big Bad in town. For me his character went downhill ever since he started getting feelings for Buffy. He was still very entertaining but I never did like their relationship ever though I can see that many people here do. Throughout this tournament I've seen how much people love his character and even though he's not one of my favorites I believe he deserves to win. He had the toughest competition out of all the other character, made us have to make very tough choices, and he always came out on top by a large margin. I can't see Buffy winning this but I hope she does.

My vote: Buffy Anne Summers - The Vampire Slayer

Anonymous said...

I'll go with Spike. AKA - William Pratt. AKA - William the Bloody.

Pat Harris said...


Anonymous said...

Too bad Willow didn't make it, she would be my first pick. Anyway, I do get it, Spike is pretty good winner too. And it's good Buffy is here, I'd say she's clearly the best of the right side bracket. Giles I'm a bit surprised about though, but that's previous round. Anyway, here goes:


Anonymous said...

Spike ftw.

Anonymous said...


Carly said...

Oh man, oh man, oh man.
This is too hard...


Anonymous said...


Not a hard choice for me. Throughout the series I have loved her! She is my hero.

joel Callen said...


LaUrEn said...

Buffy by a loooooong way!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Buffy without a doubt

zooey said...

Buffy. Easiest choice yet. :)

Clairetmc said...

Buffy - One hell of a woman. My hero. It's been an honour to know her.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Amanda said...

Defiantly the hardest one.


I feel awful. But. Spike.

arranee said...


The only time I voted for Buffy in this whole tournament was against Kendra and I won't start voting for her now. Of course there couldn't have been any other BtVS characters without Buffy (just like often mentioned until this round), but thats not what this is about. It's about the favorite character.
And Buffy never was my favorite. Not even if you only consider the female characters. It would've been hard to decide between Anya or Dru and Spike - but this one's easy.

Anonymous said...

Spike, but I'll be happy either way, since those two are my top favourite characters. :)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Spike without a doubt

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


dark amia said...


Unknown said...


Gregg said...

Spike had his moments, but that doesn't mean he's my favorite character by a longshot.

When I think about the truly emotional moments on the show, if Willow is not at the center of those moments, I think of Buffy.

When it comes to comedic moments that I end up quoting all the time, and Anya didn't say it, I think of Buffy.

When it comes to finding a strong character who genuinely tries to do the best she can time and time again regardless of whether or not those she loves will respect or even accept those decisions... I think of Buffy.

Spike was a murderous vampire bent on taking joy in the chaos he spilled across Europe, killed a Slayer in China, then he came across the pond and killed another Slayer in New York.

But who was it that bent over backward to avoid taking human lives and always managed to get the job done? Who was it that caused Spike and that other vampire with a soul to both turn their lives around and start doing something that mattered?


This has been her tournament all along. Her name's in the bloody url.

Matt Levy said...


angelvamp13 said...


Anonymous said...


Michelle said...

Wow, Gregg, that was an amazing comment! I feel like I have nothing else to add...but I will.

Buffy is the inspiration for all those around her. She might not always make the right decisions (or the decisions we want her to make), but that's the beauty of her humanity and the fierceness of her Slayerhood. Spike wouldn't be who he is if it wasn't for Buffy, none of the Scoobies would either. Angel became the champion he is because of his love and admiration for Buffy. I could continue, but I'll spare all involved.

I vote for Buffy.

Anonymous said...

This is very hard.

Buffy made a vampire lose his soul and another to obtain one.

But i'll go with Spike.

Buffy's name's in the bloody url, so she'll win in the end

Van Stuard said...

This has been fun and all, but it is now time for the inevitable to take place...


Unknown said...


(as if I'd say anything different with a name like mine... *g*)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Xane said...


Nikki Van De Car said...


Phyllis said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


snogged said...


Without a doubt :)

Anonymous said...

Guys, it's not about who's the most noble character, or the most heroic character, or the nicest character. It's about who's the favorite character. Sine Buffy took out both my watchers, I'm gonna have to go with Spike.

Put me down for William the Bloody!

Erin said...


Anonymous said...

70's, soul free Spike would gleefully beat Buffy, steal her sleeveless black T and wear it like a turban!

Anonymous said...

Spike for me!

Unknown said...


itoy247 said...


all the way
he was the true champion in the end
i wouldn't choose anyone over him, cause no other character in this shaw was as good as my spikey :D

Dean Michaud said...


Unknown said...

Spike- it's simple. Yes, I cried when Buffy died, but her speeches never moved me to tears. I cannot watch Afterlife without bawling when Spike delivers the "every night I save you" speech. I think it was one of the most gorgeous, heartfelt things ever written. Spike just evolved so much throughout the series that it was amazing to watch. He was an excellent villian, a humourous "ally," a tragic lover/"friend" and a tortured hero. James Marsters pulled off the role flawlessly (with the exception of Help), and it showed in the character. Spike made me laugh, he made me cry. This is a tremendous feat for a character that I originally hated (I came in during I was a Riley, then an Angel girl).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Buffy. Slayer kicks vampire ass always!

Poncho said...

Marie, I wouldn't say Spike is an underdog. Look how he's doing in this contest.

mandy jojo said...

Buffy, cuz without a doubt she was the one that all the characters actually played off of her.

djrestlessmind said...

My vote goes for The Buffster.

Anonymous said...

Buffy all the way!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really hard for me to pick, but I have to go with Buffy. There would be no show without her, after all.

Anonymous said...

Spike was who brought me into online fandom, and got me writing, so it has to be Spike.

Luthien said...

Buffy Anne Summers - she saved the world alot.

Anonymous said...


hitnrun017 said...


Blegh, Spike, gross. ;) Not surprised though, it was obvious he'd win from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Spike. As much as Buffy is an absolute hero to me, no one kept me engaged like Spike. He was one of the more complex characters on the show and I appreciate that.

emanuele said...

The all-time big winner is


It's amazing that five years after the show ended we still argue, love and hate the characters he created.

Buffy Summers said...


Even though people have their reasons for Spike, Buffy is my choice. Some people put her down and I've heard people say she was selfish and self absorbed. I've never seen that. I've seen her being human. Nothing else. She had to take on a lot of responsibility at a very young age, and didn't want it. I wouldn't either. But she fought the good fight. Without Buffy Spike, and any of the others, wouldn't have had their shining moments. In the world of Sunnydale, if there wasn't Buffy, many of them would have been dead or left town to just survive. JMHO

Surrea said...

Buffy! As amazing as Spike is, Buffy is just incredible, both in the series, and the impact that she's had on society in real life. Buffy Buffy Buffy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


She's a hero you see, she's not like us...

AndrewCrossett said...


She is the reasons for the seasons.

Anonymous said...

I think Spike could have had a 3rd slayer added to his total had he not developed feelings for her. I look at the character as a villain who was added and basically stole the proverbial show, making it impossible for them to not keep him around and eventually winding up a linch pin in so many storylines.

Spike wins in my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

Spike, hands down.

Lingping said...


a bitca said...


Anonymous said...

buff for sure

Anonymous said...

hnds down the slayer

Anonymous said...

the buffster!!!

Anonymous said...

I love spike but Buffy is amazing! Buffy!

Peter said...

spike for the win...,actually no, nvm, TEAM BUFFY!!!

Unknown said...

The show is called Buffy the Vampire Slayer! It's not Spike the Slayer Slayer! If Buffy does not win this I will lose all faith in my fellow Whedon fans. :-(

Anonymous said...

spike the reason i watched buffy in the 1st place

Anonymous said...

Spike!! (Buffy's too freaking whiney)

Anonymous said...

What is this world coming to that we have to choose between Buffy and Spike? Isn't it cruel in a very Salomonic way?


Colleen/redeem147 said...

Spike (though personally I like them together).

Anonymous said...

Tough to vote against Spike, but the winner is clearly...

Buffy Anne Summers!

cvu said...

Spike ftw!

Anonymous said...


Makenna said...


Unknown said...

Spike definately Spike !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Vandermint said...


Anonymous said...

Of course it's Spike!

Lori said...


Anonymous said...


Divalicious Deeds said...

Buffy all the way!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Buffster!

Anonymous said...


SupComTabz said...

Buffy. For without her - there is no Spike.

Anonymous said...


Beg2Diffr said...


Sinkwriter said...

Man, this is difficult.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


It has to be Buffy. The Spike we know and love could never exist without Buffy. She's the life-changing influence that...well, changed his life. She's Xander's hero, Willow's anchor, Dawn's protector, Giles' guiding star, and Spike's inspiration and motivation. And she's my role model. It has to be her.

Anonymous said...

One more for Spike!

Janna said...

Love them both, but I have to go with Buffy.

Anonymous said...


Gwen said...


Gio said...

All along this march madness, I always picked both Buffy and Spike no matter who they were up against, and I said it would only be difficult to pick one of them if they were facing each other.. now they are..and I'm gonna pick...


because, even if Spike is probably my favourite character ever, Buffy is.. Buffy! and she's my favourite character ever too (only, I'm a bitsy more attracted to spike..) He's winning big time, but I'd feel guily not giving my vote to the great heroine to whom we owe so much.. So yeah, I love Spike, but I must pick Buffy..

Anonymous said...


Brian Lynch said...


Mary said...


Anonymous said...

This one is hard! I will go with the HOT Spike

Keijo_Eemil said...

I pretty much expected this, Spike has a huge fan-basis (I'm a part of it, admitted) and Buffy is the queen of Whedonverse. The source. The beginning. There woudn't be Firefly or Dollhouse (or Angel for that matter) if it weren't for Buffy. She's the reason why Joss made the show that made him what he is.

And like Veiriti said, Buffy is what made Spike what he is. Spike's unconditional love for her defines him as a character. I love Buffy's character. So it's a very tough one for me too.

But I'm voting for my hero, the ultimate underdog, the sassy, alcoholic, chain-smoking, rough-edged, down-beaten but still touching and heroic vampire.

My vote goes to Spike.

Anonymous said...

The idea that Spike could not exist without Buffy is beyond ludicrous. I think it's important is that what we started with was a disposable villain, who turned out to be not so disposable, and stole the dang show. Without Spike, I would have stopped watching BtVS completely from s4. He saved the show, AND got Ats (my fave show between the two) renewed. Spike is the favorite. I vote Spike for the win. Spike is just plain cooler (and better). He was the real hero anyway.

Anonymous said...

Spike. Hands down.

Ricardo said...


Jonathan said...


Alexandra Huxley said...

Although I am a Buffy/Riley shipper, I do think Spike is one of the best characters created in the history of the world (and that's only a slight exaggeration) - so yes, I do love Spike.

But Buffy has become a part of me. Since I first saw the show I have loved her, hated her, and grown with her. Despite (or perhaps because of them) her flaws, she is truly a hero to me and, I hope, will become one both to my daughter *and* son. Even all these years later, I can picture some BtVS scenes as though I were there in the room -- and nearly every single one of the scenes I picture has her in them. Thanks to Joss & Co's words and direction, plus SMG's portrayal, she is very possibly my favorite fictional character of all time.

So, um, yes - I vote Buffy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Libby said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Buffy, no question.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To everyone that says Spike is nothing without Buffy must not have seen season 5 of Angel, he was so good with Fred, Illyria, Angel, Lindsey, well just who ever he was playing with Spike was the show to me. I did not care for Angel unless he was Angelus until season 5, when Spike and Angel were together. Such chemistry between those two was fun to watch.

Jindai said...

Buffy, duh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I already voted, but wanted to comment on this post:
"Quoted" Anonymous said...
The idea that Spike could not exist without Buffy is beyond ludicrous. I think it's important is that what we started with was a disposable villain, who turned out to be not so disposable, and stole the dang show. Without Spike, I would have stopped watching BtVS completely from s4. He saved the show, AND got Ats (my fave show between the two) renewed. Spike is the favorite. I vote Spike for the win. Spike is just plain cooler (and better). He was the real hero anyway. "Quoted"

I never thought Spike was disposable, or he would have been killed off in one of the earlier episodes like Darla. What I don't get is how people can say he saved the show. He became a character in a show filled with talented characters. His character evolved, yes, but because of Buffy, the main character of the show. She inspired him to change and become the hero that people see in him. Yes, they brought him on Angel's fifth season, but then again, it was the final one also. I do like Spike, don't get me wrong, but without Buffy... Well....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Buffy all the way. She started the 'verse after all.

Hernan said...



Spikes KittyKat said...


Anonymous said...


...ok ok spike

Mags said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!

Spike please!

Anonymous said...


David Archuleta Argentina said...


Anonymous said...


Mery said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Isabel said...


Anonymous said...

Spike. Probably the greatest Television Character of all-time. Yep. Spike...Spike with a bullet.

Ailiel said...


Take him out, Slayer

Anonymous said...


Spike is Gay...

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