Ahh fanatics...what with their Fanfic, signed limited editions and Jayne hats. We're fanatics, obvs, but one thing that no one here on the Buffyfest staff has is a marking permanently etched into our skin that says "I am a Whedonite." A Whedonverse tribute tattoo (Buffy tattoo, Angel tat, Firefly, you know the drill.) They certainly are out there, though, and I'm surprised we haven't touched on this topic before. We definitely have loads of respect for our fellow fanatics...but that doesn't mean we can marvel at their decision to wear it proudly until the grave!
So we give you a list of the top 10 most OBSESSIVE Whedonverse Tattoos. Some are old internet favorites, but some I personally haven't seen before. Enjoy!
#10 - Coming in at number 10, you have your run of the mill Faith tribal tats, Signs of Vocah, Knights of Byzantium symbols, Marks of Eyghon etc. I'd place the Serenity symbol in this category too. They surely are fannish, but overall these are basic tribal looking tats and any fan could get them without giving away too much about their OBSESSION. Outsiders might just think they are cool symbols but of course, Whedonites would know better.

#9 - Quotes from the shows are a subtle, classy way of showing your OBSESSION to the world without too much fanfare. People will say "what's that from?" and you will simply explain. There are so many meaningful Whedonverse phrases, it shouldn't be too hard to find one that speaks to you...so this type of tat is totally understandable.

#8 - OBSESSED with the Whedonverse, but can't decide which Whedon show is your favorite? Not a problem, the Mutant Enemy Grr Arrgh monster covers them all. The little guy makes a pretty cute tat, actually.

**UPDATE** Added May 2010, a VERY awesome Grr..Argh tat, indeed:

Now if you're doubly OBSESSED and love Angel's gryphon bird dude, you can just get 2!

Wait a minute...is this one being staked with an iceberg? A nail? What in the world is that thing? Oh my god, I just figured it out...it's a RAILROAD SPIKE IN ANGEL'S HEART!! It's a "Spikehard anti-Angel" tattoo. Oh man, this person is totally OBSESSED!

#4 - Whedonverse accessories. This includes Buffy's Scythe, Serenity and any other piece of hardware or machinery from the verse. These are truly geeky tats and they'll need full explanation to the outside world so they can understand how truly OBSESSED you really are.

#3 - Spike & Angel tats. The vamp men take the number 3 spot because you have to be a true die hard to put one of these blood sucking fiends on you, especially if they're in vamp face! The reason these aren't placed higher is because they're so damn cool. I mean, you might be a die hard fan, but no one is going to make fun of you for having one of Buffy's boys in all their horrific glory. (special mention goes to Puppet Angel, though...surprised that one didn't take the top spot for OBSESSIVENESS!)

2. The second most OBSESSED Whedonverse tattoo owners are those that have gone all out for the full color portrait OBSESSIVENESS. Collages or even single portraits of actors/characters, doesn't really matter. If you went for the gusto, you're OBSESSED! Check out the gorgeous examples below.

#1 - And the number 1 most OBSESSIVE Whedonverse Tattoo owners are definitely:
......drumroll please....
Look, Spuffies are the super die-hards of the fandom as it is, I'm sure everyone can agree...so loving the Spuff so much that you've tattooed Spuffy on you takes the cake! But to tattoo any 'ship on your person for all of eternity is truly OBSESSED!!!!!!

Safe to say, these folks will not Spuff 'til they've spuffed enough!
Updated to add this super-fun video of James Marsters' reaction to "Psycho fans with tattoos of Spike (aka himself)":
Update #2, now with even more OBSESSED Whedonverse tattoos, sent in by their owners.
Cheese and crackers, man. These folks are really obsessed and maybe, just maybe, a little on the wacky doodle end of the spectrum. I thought I was hardcore Buffy. I kneel before the true Buffy fanatics. I really like the puppet Angel tat. Loved that episode. Love Buffy's scythe. I should get that tattooed on my, uhhh, nevermind. Did I just say that? Bad Dalton. Bad Dalton. Cool posting, Tara. Nice knowing there are Buffy fanatics out there willing to take it to the next level. Wow....
I'd maybe get 5X5.
Fun post.
I really enjoyed reading that. And the video was hilarious. I have to say, I kind of love the Kaylee one. Is it said that I looked at the pictures at the beginning of the post before reading the commentary and said, "Faith's tattoo."? Maybe I need more help than I thought.
wow. um, just, wow. While fabulously done, a tad too much on the obsessive side for sure. Now putting it on a jacket or bag or something, much more my speed. Although, you do have a point about the Grr Argh dude....
these are great! i met the girl with the "every night I save you" tatt at comic con this year! it's so awesome my friend and i were loving it :)
I love the quote ones the most, as I am a sap for text tattoos. I like many of these designs, but would personally prefer them as wall art, shirts, etc. rather than a tattoo. Props to those fans who sat through those collages!
God! now i feel a little leas bad about being obsessive n_n°
it's just that I have a tatto but it's with the symbol of Charmed and throught it is a railroad spike that's it's obviously means spike!! lol
but I'm also a Wiccan so, it's kindda normal that i'm wearring the charmed symbol... and well, i love spike so much!! so now i have all the important thing to me... in me lol
and well, I would totally use a faith tatto, but i would never put some spuffy on me... i mean, I love spike but hate spuffy because i wish spike would be mine and not buffy's!!! X3
You know my husband has been making fun of me saying "next thing you know, you'll have a Buffy tattoo" and I said "no that's crazy..." What I was thinking was "wow, that's a great idea"...now that I know I wouldn't be the only one...I'm definitely ready for my Spuffy tattoo. ^_^
soooo my tattoo is on here. The one done in modified "Bleeding Cowboy" font ("The hardest thing...") and I'm freaking stoked that its on here..but I was wondering where you found the pic of it...
Hmm, sorry not sure Nick! I remember at the time, I collected pics of Whedonish tattoos for weeks for this post. Maybe google images?
It's awesome, though! Hope you don't feel too invaded :)
No! Its awesome that its on here. I feel so honored!
Haha if only you had seen my two other Buffy tattoos....haha :D
Oh, if you have other Whedonverse tats send 'em over to buffyfest@aim.com! We'll totally add them to the post :)
I find it odd people would put the Byzantium Knights symbol on themselves, or the Eyglon (sp) mark.... Uhhhhhhhh..............
And sorry, but some of those portrait tattoos are uhhhh how shall I put it... Deformed? Not really thinking it was a good use of time and money to make a tattoo that really doesn't look like what it's supposed to look like.
I'm a Dushku lovah (she's my imaginary wife), but I wouldn't do 5 x 5 because WTF does it MEAN? As Willow said, "ooh five by five?" Tara: "Five what by five what?" Willow: "That's just it! NOBODY KNOWS."
And for whoever got a tattoo of freaking KENDRA... She was in like what, three episodes before somehow getting her neck slashed by a FINGERNAIL? Ech, you might as well have gotten a tattoo of Wig Lady after she took the wig off and had the giant penis monster coming out of her head.
Shirkie, all valid points, but think she did explain it on Angel. As for people who have poor quaility reproductions and badly placed permanent markings carved into their only bodies, there is no figuring people out in this day and age... and, come to think of it, I have seen that WigLady done on someone!
Buffy, the character did not want a tattoo OR approve even a "little one" on her "sister" Dawn.
- 100%OriginalNoTattoos4Me
here is my faith tattoo
OOh, that's a nice one, K@! Adding it to the post right now...
I have the Faith tattoo on my back and it looks like you actually have mine posted! :)
Just got my first Buffy tattoo and I love it so much. Is the buffyfest@aim.com email address still valid to send a picture? I would love to see my tattoo up here!
Yes! Send the photo over, we'll plop it right on there :)
Nice Blog Posting! you have great articles, i always red them, it give us a great knowledge Thanks a lot for this nice information I like it so much.
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I'm hoping to get a tattoo soon! I've been thinking about it since I was around 8 years old (started watching at 7) Ahhh i need to stop getting more ideas from pictures.
Why is a Heroes tattoo in the #10 collage?? That's Ali Larter's back. I have that tattoo - the Heroes helix. Not Whedon-related at all.
I have the symbol for The Order of Aurelius - the Master's family mark in between my shoulder blades. Do you want it for the collection?
The first Spuffy tatt is taken from a pencil sketch that I freaking DREW!!(http://cantonheroine.deviantart.com/art/Buffy-and-Spike-36926912)
I didn't even know it had been used - and really badly too...
Wow, both of mine are at #10, lol. I have Faiths tattoo on my right bicep and the Angel wings logo on my left. My tat guy made the wings really cool though, he did a purple fade in the middle since purple is my favorite color. I'm starting to think I need to go get a quote tat now though, lol. A Spuffy quote!! Lol
I've got the scythe with some tombstones and a ribbon wrapping around it all that says, "from beneath you it devours" which I designed myself in a slightly traditional Americana style and I love it!
I love that big tattoo of Kaylee with the rainbow behind her :D
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