Just want to point out that a lot of Buffy's most incredulous looks, comments on stalking, and general mockery are with regard to Spike. Just thought I'd throw that out there because, as you know, I like to do a little bashing of my own.

I'm so sad! Won't you ever let up, Bitsy?
Nope. Never.
I laughed so hard when I watched this! Love it!
Hehe - there can be only one! [hint: it's not Spike!]
I think this vid is brilliantly-executed and not necessarily filed under 'bashing'...I mean, it's just that Buffy *would* kick his ass straight back to the Hellmouth, that's just the truth, isn't it?
Anyone who was to then laugh and point and point out how wet/soppy Edward appears to be from this video might be considered to be bashing, but you didn't do that, so....
This is awesome! I agree with Higlet, very well executed. Nice choice, Bits.
And oh we're back to bashing? How refreshing on a post-Buffyfest Sunday. ;)
I loved it! I especially loved the part where they fight. Coolness. It actually looked as if they were in contact with one another. Impressive.
And that's how it would go. =)
This is so awesome, good work, really. I just wanna ask, what is the music in the part when Buffy says that stalking isn´t a turn on?
Indeed, a lot of this video wouldn't be possible if it weren't for the very Edward-ish antics of Spike in the show's later seasons. This io9 article points out the similarities between the two too.
This is so good! Not just because of the seamless transitions in the video but because this is a great way to expose Twilight for what it is: A bizarre romantizised take on an abusive relationship that does not deserve to be compared to anything with depth (Buffy), despite being in the same general genre as our beloved slayer.
Dude, really brilliant editing. I can totally imagine that's how it would go.
The only reason I liked the Spike-Buffy romance was because they were both hot and they had lots of violent sex, and that looks like a lot of fun to a young kid. But I prefer Spike and Drusilla because they were both insane and evil and fun. I still love Spike from the core of my horny teenage heart, but he did have a tendency to be seriously emo. Angel and Spike were a good team. I'm sure they could kick the shit out of Cullen. "Buffy" was glorious, even in its most deliciously cheesy bits and always was compelling, multifaceted and fresh.
Very impressive editing! I loved it. It's easy to bash Twilight, but in reality, you don't do it here. Quality.
Very impressive!!!
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