Have you ever wondered how the Buffyverse would be if some things had never happened or maybe just went a little differently? Us too. That's why we've decided to start a new segment here at Buffyfest called "What if" where we explore the alternate reality-type scenarios of our favorite characters.
Our first resident "What if" expert is none other than Scott Allie, editor of Dark Horse comics and all-around great guy. Here's his take on our first Sophie's Choice-esque "What if" question.
Our first resident "What if" expert is none other than Scott Allie, editor of Dark Horse comics and all-around great guy. Here's his take on our first Sophie's Choice-esque "What if" question.
What if Giles and Willow were hanging off a cliff and only one could be saved, who would Buffy choose?

But if this were pre-Season 8, I suppose she'd have to resort to something desperate. Buffy says to Willow, "I know you blame me for Tara's death, but that's fine, because I was happy to help." When Willow goes dark, Buffy says, "But it was really Giles you have to thank, because he was the secret mastermind behind those three nerds." Willow let's out a big dark blast of magic, shredding Giles from the mountainside, and he's long dead before he ever hits the ground. Buffy hauls Willow up from the cliff, says, "Kidding," and after Willow's eyes go blue again and they have a good laugh, Buffy says, "Now please restore Giles from that mystical death you just put him through." Then everyone's cool.
But if one of them really had to die, Buffy would sacrifice her former Watcher, because she has Daddy issues, and her affection for Giles has always had its limits. -Scott
Check out the previews and pre-order information for Scott Allie's upcoming Graphic Novels Exurbia and Solomon Kane.
Knew I should have waited to post my political "what are they" comment. Darn it. I'm always one step behind the curve....
Very cool cerebral twisting fun. You know, if they go ahead with the movie reboot without the series cast, I wonder if Joss could put together a reunion show on tv. That'd be pretty cool. I'm afraid a reboot without our cast would screw up our Buffy universe. Also, and more importantly, it could throw out of alignment the alternate universe where there is actually a Slayer and SMG-P, AH, and NB are actually Buff, Will, and Xander. These types of temporal disturbances very much concern me....
We loved your idea about the political affiliations. We'll get back to you on that. As for "What if", who do you think Buffy would save?
I'm going with Giles. I'm not sure Buffy could deal with losing another 'parent' at this point. Plus, Giles and Buffy have some mending to do in regards to their relationship and if Giles is smushed at the both of a mountain, that can't ever happen.
Hi Michelle,
You ask the toughies. It'd be easier solving the particle/wave duality, or combining quantum mechanics and general relativity into one unified theory than to answer this behemoth. Oy, you're just plain mean.
I think it boils down to who Buffy ultimately could and could not live without. My intuition tells me she couldn't live without Willow, but could ultimately live without Giles. My intuition provides the best answer to this one, because my brain is far too small to provide a reason/logic based response to this hardcore Buffyfest tolchock to me eeny weeny gulliver ...
Neither because both Willow and Giles are far too intelligent to wind up hanging off a cliff.
I'm not sure if "her affection for Giles has always had its limits" was part of the joke or not. If it is, I don't get it. If it isn't, it's just wrong.
It sounds like Mr. Allie has only seen the final seasons of Buffy, when all of the core characters were kind of distant. But if he'd ever seen seasons 1-5, he'd know that Buffy's affection for Giles has no "limit". She loves him to death and would pretty much throw herself in front of a bus to save him if it came to that.
the choice would never be Buffy's to make. because Giles would never allow himself to be saved if it meant Willow had to die, and certainly not if Buffy could save them both but sacrifice herself (which she would do). so he would take the decision out of her hands, say something warmly inspiring and affectionate, possibly confess to killing Ben (who may or may not have something to do with Glory) and then heroically fall to his death. Buffy would reach out after him, wide eyed and teary, crying out his name, staring after in disbelief...until Willow's cry for help as her grip slipped shook her from her reverie, allowing Buffy to reach her best friend in the nick of time. she'd lift Willow to safety and they would stand on the hillside, crying in each other's arms as a Sarah McLachlan song or elegiac Christophe Beck theme played in the background...
not that i gave it that much thought...
Whoa, this post got a little heated...huh? I guess it got linked on Whedonesque so it got a bit of a resurgance, but I see emotions are high.
In any event, in reality I kind of agree w/jtmaxwell above, all the way down to the music. hee!
I've always wondered--"What if Buffy had moved to Riverdale instead of Sunnydale?" The Scoobies would be Archie, Veronica, Sabrina, and Miss Grundy, with a blond Reggie joining them later.
I don't know what's more hilarious scott's joke answer or the people getting riled up like he just said about a family member. Ah... the internet brings me close to so many crazies, it's quite fun.
I think Giles would let go
"I'm not sure if "her affection for Giles has always had its limits" was part of the joke or not. If it is, I don't get it. If it isn't, it's just wrong.
It sounds like Mr. Allie has only seen the final seasons of Buffy, when all of the core characters were kind of distant. But if he'd ever seen seasons 1-5, he'd know that Buffy's affection for Giles has no "limit". She loves him to death and would pretty much throw herself in front of a bus to save him if it came to that."
So, what, the final seasons of Buffy don't count b/c they're not as pleasant as the early ones? I would say Mr. Allie's assessment is very accurate, given where the characters left off. Buffy loves Giles, adores him, and would sacrifice herself for him. But she has already SHOWN that there are limits to her affection for him; she shut him out of her life completely for a while. If it comes to sacrificing Willow for Giles, she won't do it, period. Mr. Allie has a better grasp of the characters than you do, anonymous.
Btw, in my What If scenario, I'd shove anyone off a cliff, including Buffy herself, rather than sacrifice my Giles. :p
*clap* *clap* *clap* @jtmaxwell
Well played, well played indeed. :-)
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