"Becoming Part 2" defied all the odds and finally silenced "Hush" just barely.
"Once More, With Feeling" easily staked vampy Willow's super sequel "Doppelgangland".
It's a big decision and we here at Buffyfest know it. That's why we're giving you until Wednesday at 11:59 pm EST to chew it over. Then, at long last, we'll finally find out who the prettiest girl at the ball really is.
If you still need a refresher, click here for the full list of episodes and their descriptions.
East vs. West
Location: Right here at Buffyfest Central

Happy Voting!
If your curious to see the entire bracket listing the entire tourney history, click here to enlarge:

The picture is OMWF but it says Hush...
Woops! Sorry about that. Last round and first technical difficulty. Shame, that.
As amazing as OMWF is... it's no season ender. Betrayal, unexpected alliances, lies, love, hate...
Okay, so OMWF gives us all that, and gives it on a silver plater... so I mostly want a result that I wasn't predicting from the get-go :P
Becoming Part 2 is a great episode, but OMWF is outstanding. This was so difficult, but I went with Once More With Feeling. The raw emotion in this episode is difficult to top, and while it isn't my favorite episode, it's in my top 5.
I'd definitely like to thank the Buffyfest crew for putting this tournament together. Revisiting Buffy episodes in this manner was so much fun and it totally tested both my Buffy knowledge and preferences. I personally had such a great time. You guys are really wonderful. Thank you for doing this for all of us Buffyfesters!
"Becoming" is phenomenal for what it means to Buffy as a character and her growth, but OMWF is the consummate episode and about as perfect as "Buffy" the series can get. This was no contest: I went with OMWF with a song in my heart. :)
I supose plotwise Becoming is one that will remain in our hearts forever. But I have got to say OMWF is my all time favourite. It's got everything, from our cliche couple singing about how they get irritated with eachother sometimes, Tara singin about how deep Willow's magical obsession has gone, Buffy singin about a lack of emotion, and of course Spike. A song to show how each charactor truly feels, the sort of thing that can't be said through a normal scene. We get to look closer into our favourite charctors, sing along and fave fun along the way...
Or in less words OMWF 'cos I love it lots!
I am honestly stymied with this choice. I'm glad Becoming Part 2 made it to the final. Now I have to decide between the defining moment of the first 3 seasons and the defining moment of the last 4. I am seriously displeased!
This one's going to take some serious thinking. Once More, with Feeling -- probably the most innovative hour of TV - EVER! And songs I sing to myself at the oddest times. Or the power of a young woman with, supposedly, nothing left to lose. And she loses even more, anyway.
I'm taking my time on this. Will vote later.
Oh, and a great, GREAT tournament. Thank you, BuffyFest people!
I'm a huge romantic and a Buffy-Angel 'shipper until death, so I have no choice but to choose "Becoming, Part Two." "OMWF" is a phenomenal episode, of course, however it didn't come close to making me feel the way "Becoming" did. Close behind or tied (as far as I'm concerned) with "Becoming, Part Two" are "Amends," "I Will Remember You (Angel crossover)," "What's My Line, Part Two," and "The Prom." Basically any episode that has severe emotional tension and/or baggage between Buffy and Angel is my thing. I can't help it! Over a decade later and I still weep for them!
I'm shocked at how even the votes are right now. 166: 165, with "Becoming Part II" taking the lead. Surprising.
I ended up voting OMWF, as I have to judge it my favorite episode out of the two. I may have gotten a bit sick of the musical lately, as I've over-watched it, and over-listened to the soundtrack, but that's still true. I've certainly watched it many more times than "Becoming." So that's that.
Still, I would like to point out that my favorite Buffy episode is "Innocence." I guess I'm just partial to rocket launchers and evil Angelus. I'm sorry that it didn't make it. Sorry, I'll stop whining now.
so I just voted (OM,WF) and I see the poll says 50/50 - this is a tight race, I'm kinda shocked.
I keep reading OMWF as "oh my freakin' wow." Perhaps my subconscious is hinting at which one I should vote for?
The polls are 207 to 207 -- exciting!
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